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Jeg er nu noget skuffet over at se så lidt aktivitet her i den danske version af dette forum.


Det ser virkeligt noget 'dødt' ud herinde - selvom andre påstår noget andet (godt nok et par år gammelt svar)


Mit spørgsmål er egentligt følgende:


Hvad ligger der egentligt til grund for at en side ikke optages i Dmoz, til trods for stor umage med at vælge rette sektion og herunder ikke mindst en saglig beskrivelse (der i mine øjne overholder retningslinierne)?


Jeg kan derimod konstatere at visse sektioner i mellem de danske ofte opdateres meget hyppigere end endre, eksempelvis kategorien 'Smykker'.


Er der tale om forfordeling på en eller anden måde? Det lader jo til at der er nogle redaktører som bedre kan lide visse kategorier i forhold til andre - hvordan kan manglende optagelse ellers begrundes sagligt?

  • RZ Admin

These forums are a volunteer effort, and we all put in what time we can. The same goes for editing.

(not all editors participate here, so you may get a response in Danish, or not)

Having a website doesn't stop you from being an editor, so by all means apply for a category which interests you...

Godt nytår! :)

elper {moz}:blue_arrow1::curlie:

All opinions expressed are my own, and do not necessarily represent the official point of view of the administration of either this forum or the directory.


Thank you Elper for you kind reply.


Godt Nytår:D


I followed your advice, and I have now applied for a category that interest me.


Ansøgningen er modtaget

Tak for din ansøgning om at blive redaktør.

Du vil snart modtage en e-mail med yderligere instruktioner.


Let's see what comes out of that - Hopefully someone will review my application soon:lightbulb:

  • 2 weeks later...

I will write my comment here in english, as I really don't expect to see a reply in Danish (reference to the top of the thread).


I don't understand why various DMOZ editors continue to write the same over and over again:


Some volunteer will process your listing suggestion in time but we can't predict who or when that might be. Elapsed times can range from a few days to a few years. There is no need to re-suggest your website and doing so could be counter-productive because a later suggestion overwrites any earlier one.

If you can spare a little time and would like a new hobby, by all means apply to be editor of a category.

Editors can list their site(s) as long as there is no favoritism per our guidelines.


Same old song...Same wine on new bottles!


Clearly, an application wont be reviewed exactly as most of the site submission never will be.


I for one, applied to become an editor for a very small Danish section approx. 2 weeks ago.

Nothing has happened since I submitted the application, exactly as I anticipated....


Denmark is just a small fly shit on the big world map - Even looking at an application with reference to such a small area, is impossible and has completely failed.


Dmoz worked differently years back - However with this 'Laissez Faire Approach' I can conclude that Dmoz surely is suffering a slow death as each day goes by.


Even those who are willing to give a helping hand and revive Dmoz into what it once was, are completely loosing their faith and patience.


Dear current Dmoz - No more excuses - Just spill the beans and tell it like it is, that you don't give a shit about the future of Dmoz.

  • RZ Admin

I sincerely hope you don't post things like that on companies when you apply for a job with them :eek:

Fortunately we are rather forgiving, though it hurts to see so much misconception about something we care about in one place.


For DMOZ, Denmark is as important as anywhere else, but there are relatively few editors, and fewer reviewers proficient in Danish... Thus the delays.

Also we are all volunteers, with no particular agenda, apart from building a directory - this means that we don't work to a vigorous first in - first out system.

Dmoz worked differently years back
No it didn't - DMOZ has been improving slowly, but has always worked in much the same way.

I hope that when your application is reviewed you get the chance of participating in the project :)

elper {moz}:blue_arrow1::curlie:

All opinions expressed are my own, and do not necessarily represent the official point of view of the administration of either this forum or the directory.


Indeed you are right Elper:)


Actually the application was approved today, and my contributions has started.


I made a mistake and clearly I was also not showing enough patience.


So it is true after all - those who wait, wait for something good


Looking forward to participate in the project and I see this as an exciting new journey.

  • 3 years later...
How often are people approving these? I run a growth agency in Copenhagen called Klint Marketing. I want to publish in the Danish section because we play locally but I'd prefer to keep the posting in English. Is it okay to do it in English or should I just stick to English section?
  • 2 weeks later...


Vi kan ikke tlføj vıs NordenSoft hjemmeside. Vier ve diğerleri, Magento’nun JAMStack projekter’e gitmesini sağladı. Selvom vi har tilføjet vores hjemmeside blev den ikke godkendt endnu. Det vil være rigtig godt hvis Bu fotoğrafı beğendiniz mi?

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