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I applied for this category about 5 months ago: Regional-Europ-UK-Transport-Aviation-Airports-Stansted.


The section is not well documented/represented and as a local resident i believe that I could add real value to this part of the network.


Username: hunti410





  • Meta

The last application for that editor name that I could find was rejected on Aug 21, 2015.

You application was inclomplete as you did not list the websites you are affilaieted with. Being honest about that (and other) questions is very important.

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.

  • 3 weeks later...



I am not affiliated with any websites so I don't thank you for refusing my application on that basis.


It is disappointing to find out that the application I put together in November 2015 has not been received.


I have spent considerable time attempting to become an editor with DMOZ but can see that is not going to happen. The group I wanted to edit has no editor and hasn't had for many years. Seems like a usual tale really for many people using this form.


By the way, for an editor who would decline an application for spelling mistakes, etc in anyone's application, you have spelt two words incorrectly in an incoherent email to me which I think displays a lack of attention to detail.


I will not be placing another application into a set up that is so one sided in favour of so called editors reviewing applications only to refuse for incorrect or incoherent reasons. You say it is voluntary and you are all very busy but I believe in common courtesy of letting applicants know what is going on.


This is a doomed directory.....





  • Meta

Affiliation in relation to an applicant/editor at dmoz means that there is a relationship with a site and the editor such as ownership, promotion, content contribution etc.


We wish you luck with your endeavours elsewhere.

Curlie (Dmoz) Meta editor informator

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