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Posted (edited)

I suggest a new category in DMOZ.


I suggest a new category named Agenţii Matrimoniale and it should be here :


World Româna Societate Relaţii Agenţii_Matrimoniale


This category allready exists in other languages, less in Romanian language.


Thank you.



Edited by matrimo
  • RZ Admin

Hi, we only create new categories when there are enough of a type of site listed, and an editor takes an interest...

Is World/Română/Societate/Relaţii/Căsătorie close enough?

elper {moz}:blue_arrow1::curlie:

All opinions expressed are my own, and do not necessarily represent the official point of view of the administration of either this forum or the directory.

Posted (edited)



The category Căsătorie could be appropriate for Agenții matrimoniale, but...there are some issues :


1. The description of this category Căsătorie is missing.

2. I could agree with you but all approved websites in this category should be moved elsewhere.

3. The websites who are there now are inapropriate to this category since those websites are directly related to: Products and services dedicated to the ceremony of marriage / wedding, events, bride dresses, hair stylists, photographs, cameramen, sale of wedding accessories, a.s.o... something commercial, unrelated to Relationships > Mariage (Relații > Căsătorie).

4. In Romania there are at least 10 "agenții matrimoniale" (introduction agencies, personal matchmaking service).

5. I applied to become an editor for Relații category ans subcaterories (...) but my request was refused twice.

Edited by matrimo
  • Meta

> 5. I applied to become an editor for Relații category ans subcaterories (...) but my request was refused twice.

In another thread you wrote that you have been an editor before,

As you should know only one account is allowed per person.

If you have been an editor you must ask for reinstatement and never ask for a new account.

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.

Posted (edited)
@pvgool Thank you for your replay. Indeed I was editor 10 years ago. I asked for a reinstatement too, about 9 years ago. I sent now a new request for reinstatement. Edited by matrimo

In order to resume this topic i can say that the last reinstatement request was refused again.


I wish you good luck and i hope you will find perfect editors in the future.

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