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please give status information on www.rammart.net

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Guest caesarella

Please if someone could give me information on the status of www.rammart.net, I would appreciate it. I have been trying to get into the adult forum to no avail (it will not give me the post icon.) Please help!


PS- you guys are really great! I just joined today and am very new to this, so thanks for being patient with a newbie!

  • Meta

Re: please give status information on www.rammart.


First read the forum guidelines. Then update your post with the correct information.


This is not just a formality. We need that information to respond to your question.

Guest caesarella

Re: please give status information on www.rammart.


i applied for submission under the catagories listed in http://dmoz.org/Adult section, but I also applied under the other relevant catagories such as aromatherapy since we do sell aromatherapy candles, soaps, lotions, and incense. I hope this is what you needed as I don't recall the exact listings since it has been about seven weeks since this was done.



Re: please give status information on www.rammart.


Could a kind admin please shift this thread off to the Adult forum.

Guest caesarella

Re: please give status information on www.rammart.


Thank you. I have been trying to get to the adult forum but have been unable to enter.

Guest caesarella

Re: please give status information on www.rammart.


To the kind Admin who let me in- Thank you, thank you, thank you! www.rammart.net was submitted approximately 7 weeks ago under the catagories in the http://dmoz.org/Adult section. Can you give me an update?

  • Meta

Re: please give status information on www.rammart.


You would have to provide a link to the actual category that you submitted to.

Curlie: Been trying to give up the editing addiction since day 1. :moz:
Guest caesarella

Re: please give status information on www.rammart.


we submitted under Top: Adult: Shopping: Sex Toys and Supplies:R. But we also submitted our site under the other areas we have such as aromatherapy, home decor,ect, because we have a very nice line of these products as well. Was this wrong? We do not sell adult products only and we are not trying to deceive anyone by submitting under these catagories. In your opinion (and I know that this is just your opinion) would it be better to separate the general merchandise from the adult section and link them together somehow? Any suggestion would be appreciated since I do not want to do things wrong and waste time.

Thanks :confused:


Re: please give status information on www.rammart.


Looking at just your adult sections, it's clear that you are a technoweenie.com and mallcom.com affiliate. The ODP does not list affiliate sites.

Guest caesarella

Re: please give status information on www.rammart.


I am sure you are mistaken! We do have a link to mall.com for their adult videos, but that is as far as our "affiliation" with them goes, and, as for technoweenie.com, we have never heard of them before today. This site was built using a template. We designed everything ourselves using this template. It was a lot of hard work finding shippers/distributors and designing this site, so to be accused of being an affiliate site is quite disconcerting as it suggests that we did nothing but pay for someone else's work and slap our name on it, which I can assure you we did not do! This site is the result of our blood, sweat and tears. Please reevaluate- this is a unique site. If the link to mall.com needs to be removed, just say so. We are very new to website submission and would appreciate your help as we would like to get our business rolling.



Re: please give status information on www.rammart.


Your "Adults Only" contains only products carried by technoweenie.com, and it has the standard technoweenie.com template. It's a shame that you haven't heard of them before today. You could have used their standard template and been up and running in 5 minutes instead of spending months searching for all that content and then making your site look exactly like a technoweenie store.


Your "More for Adults Only" section is a straight mallcom.com store. These sites take two minutes to set up, and you wouldn't believe the number of these that I have seen.

Guest caesarella

Re: please give status information on www.rammart.


You must have a different technoweenie.com than I do as they have stuffed animals with genitalia here in the US. Also, I have already told you that the adult videos were a link from our store to mall.com. If this is keeping us out, please advise so that it can be removed.


PS- I am honestly asking for help in how to go about getting our website listed correctly. Any similarities are just that- similarities. I can give lists of suppliers that we have set up accounts with if necessary.

Guest caesarella

Re: please give status information on www.rammart.


Different question- can a site that sells adult products submit to other relevant catagories outside the adult section which are also merchandise that is being sold by the site such as aromatherapy?


Re: please give status information on www.rammart.


The inclusion of adult products on a site means that the site may not be listed outside of the Adult area.

Guest caesarella

Re: please give status information on www.rammart.


Dear DFY,

Thank you for your help. But as your responses do not usually answer our questions and are accusatory, I would appreciate if you no longer reply to our request for information. The site for technoweenie.com in the US shows only stuffed animals with genitalia (we have no such products) and the mall.com references that you are fixated with I have already told you we have a link to their store from ours, so this is a moot point. I would welcome the advice of other editors so that we can get our site properly listed.

Guest caesarella

Re: please give status information on www.rammart.


We have several sections to our online shop. How can we get the editors to look at the other non-adult sections within our store without submitting outside the adult catagory? We really want to do things within your guidelines. Any suggestions are appreciated.


Guest rawley2

Re: please give status information on www.rammart.


From what I have learned you can only have your site listed in one place in the directory. If you sell adult items at all it has to be in adult.


I am not a MOD I am just trying to help you.

Guest caesarella

Re: please give status information on www.rammart.


Thanks. But there must be a way to have the other catagories within your site looked at. I don't mind if it is listed under adult, but there are alot of other catagories in our store that I would like the editors to look at. The editors thus far have been looking only at our adult context. I just want the site to be looked at as a whole.

  • Meta

Re: please give status information on www.rammart.


The links to the adult stores, affiliate or not, makes the site only listable in the Adult/ area. If, as dfy said, the adult stores are affiliate stores, the site may not be listed by the local editor, particularly not in the sex toys area (if this is what you're using mallcom.com for). There's a possibility of a listing in the Adult/ section on the strength of the non-adult non-affiliate stores.

If there were no links to adult stores on your site, your site may be eligible for listing outside of the Adult/ category.

I hope this helps and doesn't confuse the issue too much. :cool:

Guest caesarella

Re: please give status information on www.rammart.


Thank you for your reply! This helps out alot.

Guest caesarella

Re: please give status information on www.rammart.


Two questions please. When the editors look at a site for submission, do they look at the whole site or just the section they are editing? Are you allowed to have links to other websites from your site or will this cause you to be disqualified? (We have our own line of adult products, but we also have a link to mall.com for there adult videos since we are very weak in that area.) I want to do things the right way, but I am a bit confused. I appreciate your guidance.


  • Meta

Re: please give status information on www.rammart.


OK, hope I can be of any help.


- If you have adult material on your site you can not be listed outside the Adult categories

- Editors in Adult will look mainly at the adult stuff as that's the part they have the most knowledge about

- If your adult material is not worth listing (not enough unique content or to much affiliate stuff) your site most likely will not be listed.


My advice: Remove all of your adult material and resubmit into the non-adult part of ODP. Or put more adult material of your own on your site.

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.

Guest caesarella

Re: please give status information on www.rammart.


Thank you!! :D

Guest caesarella

Re: please give status information on www.rammart.


Just wanted to let you know that I think that you guys are great and I thank you for all of your help. Could someone tell me our status though? www.rammart.net submitted under

Top: Adult: Shopping: Sex Toys and Supplies/R. I think that question got lost in the midst of all my other questions.

Thanks! ;)

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