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submited http://www.statisticology.com

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Guest dcogden

I submitted to the category of http://dmoz.org/Science/Math/Statistics/Statistical_Consulting/. After several weeks, with no response, I noticed that this category has no editors. Will my site not be reviewed as a result of no editors for that category? I decided to volunteer to edit that category. However, I've now encountered a second issue in not being able to successfully reply to the Application Confirmation email from apply@dmoz.org. Apparently I'm not the only one with that issue. I am interested in becoming an editor for that category, and I am even more interested in getting my site listed in that category. Can someone help me with the site submission issue...or both issues?




Your submission of July 21st is waiting for review. Although there is no listed editor in that category, it is not abandoned; editors with privileges for parent categories or editall editors come in every now and then. But of course, a skilled volunteer editor would be good.


Due to hardware changes, there are currently problems with the editor application process. Look at the subforum "Becoming an editor", it's full of this at the moment. Hopefully this will be over soon. Our meta editors are looking forward to reviewing your application.




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