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Status for http://www.websmart-marketing.com

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Guest stuweb

I would be grateful to learn of the status for my submission of http://www.websmart-marketing.com


I submitted to Business/E-Commerce/Strategy


Thanks in advance for your advice and comments.


I'd like to ask you to please format your request as specified in the posting guidelines for this forum.


Please understand that these guidelines aren't any kind of arbitrary hoops we're trying to make anybody jump through. The required format is designed to make it easy for us to check the status of a submission with a minimum of keystrokes.

Can point out what unique content that you have that hundreds or thousands of other sites like yours don't have? All I'm seeing are e-books and articles that are available on hundreds of other sites...and lots and lots of cloaked affiliate links. And that doesn't constitute a listable site.
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