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I submitted my site a few days ago and the editor told me to post my problem here.

I submitted my site A1A Gifts.com (http://www.a1agifts.com/ ) because I am not listed in the DMOZ search engine. I was listed a few years ago under the following category which DOES NOT EXIST anymore. I thought that you should know that and I do not want that old category to jeopardize my current listing. The old category was:




If you perform a search for my site "a1agifts.com" in your search engine, I am not listed. My site IS NOT a MLM or Multi Level marketing as it was originally classified. It was mislabeled. We sell only Home and Garden Decor items on our site. It would be a priviledge to be listed in DMOZ.


Any suggestions in getting listed under the following Category for example:


The current editor from that category was the one who suggested that I post this problem here.


I look forward to your replies.






That category was deleted because we have found that listing independent SMC sites was too much effort for little or no gain to the directory. One of our prime criteria is uniqueness of content, and a whole bunch of different stores with the same products just doesn't meet that requirement.


For the same reason, we have decided not to list your site in the category for which you suggested it.


Sorry the news couldn't be better.


Hi brmehlman,


I thank you for responding to my post.

I realize that there are thousands of smc sites out there.

Fortunately, I have been very successful with mine and my number one goal has always been to be "Unique and Different" from the rest. I do not believe in copycat sites. I understand that there are many people selling the same items, therefore, I currently sell from 8 different vendors on my site. My site has always been created with the mentality that if I want to succeed in this business I have to find my own style and I have found it. My site contains items that no other "similar" site contains and I used FrontPage 2002 to make sure that it does not look like any other site. I currently have over 20,000 unique visitors per month and with DMOZ's help I can much better than that. All that I am asking is that you visit the site and consider it for exactly what it is...rather than what you might think an smc site is. If not, will this site be allowed to be listed in DMOZ? If so, do you suggest any alternate categories? I thank you again for your time.


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>All that I am asking is that you visit the site and consider it for exactly what it is...rather than what you might think an smc site is.

The site has been reviewed. We understand exactly what it is. It is a kind of site that we have made a decision not to list.


>Will this site be allowed to be listed in DMOZ?

No, never.


I believe this covers all the questions that were asked, and will now close the thread. Sorry to have to be so explicit, but brmehlman's tactful and gracious response seemed to be misunderstood.

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