Guest koros Posted August 10, 2003 Posted August 10, 2003 Category: Computers: Hardware: Technical Evaluations and Product Reviews Url: Hello, I wish to know when this category was last updated ? It seems it has been a while since last category new links. There seems to be no category editor and i'm worried about this since I have a resource there who is waiting validation. Cordially, Benj
donaldb Posted August 10, 2003 Posted August 10, 2003 Technically this category was last updated on June 11th, 2003 - though the updates were done by the 'bot that checks for dead links :moz: Though there is no named editor for this category that does not mean that no one will work on reviewing sites in this category. All of the editors in the categories above this one are able to edit there. All editors who have permissions to edit in the whole directory can edit there. There are hundreds of editors who could potentially edit there.
Guest koros Posted August 10, 2003 Posted August 10, 2003 Thanks for your answer Donaldb. Well, it has been two months since this important category was updated . I tried to contact parent editors but didn't get answer. I'm very afraid it could still be months before this category will be udpated again. Do you think you can do something personally Donaldb ? Cordially, Koros
Meta tuisp Posted August 10, 2003 Meta Posted August 10, 2003 Hi Koros, I can't obviously speak for donaldb, but the Guidelines for these forums say 'Please note that posting in this forum will not lead to site listing in itself. Remember that the ODP prides itself as a highly selective directory, and repeated, unjustified complaints about non-listing may lead to suspension or removal of your posting privileges. Also, remember that it takes time for editors to get to the submissions - so please do not complain about not being listed a few days after your submission.' In other words, editors answering submitter requests here in Resource-Zone avoid giving them an unfair advantage above other sites pending unreviewed in a given category. Just think: there are nearly 200 in Computers/Hardware/Technical_Evaluations_and_Product_Reviews. Why should yours be reviewed first?
Guest koros Posted August 10, 2003 Posted August 10, 2003 Hello Tuisp, you should be able to see that I didn' specified my site. I did it on purpose, because I know the guidelines, and I didn't planned to say about my site to request privilege. Had I wanted attention to my site, I would have posted in the other forum and asked for a status. I was about to ask a global category update, not just my site. Also, I didn't submitted my site "a few days ago" but over a month ago, and its been TWO MONTHS since the category I refer to has not been updated. I know ODP prides itself about many things -with justification-, but I think its not in the interest of the directory to have such popular categories updated not even once in two months period (and counting). I personally like to browse computer categories, but find much less interest knowing its updated with so much delay. No hostility intended though. Cordially, Koros
Meta tuisp Posted August 10, 2003 Meta Posted August 10, 2003 No hostility intended on my part either Sorry for stating the obvious, but it was not self-evident that you had done your research before posting I can only suggest you browse these forums some more: it should soon be quite clear that the situation is hardly unique and that a lot of submitters are quite vexed by processing times. It should also be clear that our primary mission is not to site authors or SEOs, but to Internet surfers (like a library is not meant for authors or publishers, but for people needing information or fiction material). Of course, I can't disagree with you when you wish this cat (and any of the tens of thousands other cats as well, I suppose) to be tended as often as possible. This is why we are always looking forward to accept new editors (but not people unable to spell or to understand the scope of the category they are applying for).
Guest koros Posted August 10, 2003 Posted August 10, 2003 A problem is that this category does not accept dedicated editors . It was stated that many parent category editors can edit it, but it seems they are busy elsewhere. I think I understand the purpose of the ODP, and I think dedicated editors might help processing in some cases. Long live to the ODP, Cordially, Koros
totalxsive Posted August 10, 2003 Posted August 10, 2003 That category is bigger than we'd normally allow new editors to edit, hence the reason why you can't apply for it. I suppose really it should be split up into subcategories - I'll set up a discussion in the relevant mediums about that. That way we may be able to accept editors. Edited: Editors can now take part in a discussion in the Computers forum .
donaldb Posted August 10, 2003 Posted August 10, 2003 Quote A problem is that this category does not accept dedicated editors Not true. We just typically don't grant larger categories to *new* editors. You can find a smaller category in the directory somewhere and learn the ropes about being an ODP editor, then you can apply for a larger category like this one. You kind of made me chuckle here. I guess it's a matter of opinion as to what one person finds important. I think that the info in this category is pretty boring - don't take it personally, it's just not something that I'm interested in You'll find that for the most part, we don't think that any category is more important than any other category. With half a million categories it's pretty hard to say that one is better than another You're either going to have to become an editor and work up to that category, or be patient and hope that someone gets around to editing there. Sorry, but that's the best we can do.
Guest koros Posted August 10, 2003 Posted August 10, 2003 Hello, I tried to become an editor in this category but couldn't as the category is to big, and I didn't wanted to become an editor in a parent category where there are already several editors. Now if the only way to moderate this category is to become editor in another crowded category, sure this is something to consider, but If the category is too big, it doesn't seem logical not to assign editors and have it sleeping since two months. Lets forget about the fact that I have a site waiting here, as this seems to violate my credibility, and the problem is probably affecting other categories too. There is a fact: 2 months and no category update. I think there is a problem here. I thought the point of the ODP (but I may be WRONG), was to be the most complete and most reactive directory with lots of editor that would allow a more fresh content than Yahoo (for example). It is obviously not the case -in some- instance at least. Again, don't think I want to be hostile. I would be very happy to see no lags in the ODP, and i'm glad this thread created a debate in the computers editors forum. Cordially, Koros
steveb Posted August 10, 2003 Posted August 10, 2003 The fact is you can apply to be an editor in a smaller category. There are literally tens of thousands of those to pick from, including ones related to the town/state/province where you live. After you show that you can handle the responsibility of smaller, "starter" categories, you could apply to edit this one. None of us can force someone who thinks this topic is "important" to put in the time and pay the dues to earn the privilege of editing it, you or someone like you has to do that yourself.
motsa Posted August 10, 2003 Posted August 10, 2003 Keep in mind that the "popularity" of a category is in the eye of the beholder. The fact that you consider it to be a supremely important category doesn't mean the rest of the planet does. Two months without a category update is not outlandish and thus is not going to get editors worked up. Quote i'm glad this thread created a debate in the computers editors forum. That thread in the editor forums is likely not going to have an effect on the delay in the listing of sites. Just so you understand.
Guest koros Posted August 10, 2003 Posted August 10, 2003 Quote Two months without a category update is not outlandish and thus is not going to get editors worked up. Then I must say i'm REALLY disapointed to learn that 2 months without an update is not considered "outlandish" to some ODP people. At this rate, if categories had at best 6 updates a year, it wouldn't make a hell out of a directory. In fact you seem more anxious not to have this category updated just because it *would* give the impression that my post here had woke up some editors upon my request. And this, you don't want. My post seems to bother more than the fact that a category has stayed 2 months without an update. Strange sense of priority. Cordially, Koros
donaldb Posted August 10, 2003 Posted August 10, 2003 I think that the original question has been answered now and this thread can be closed. Thank you for helping us to improve the Open Directory. Your concerns about this category have been noted. Again, if you wish to help us in the future please feel free to apply for an appropriate category.
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