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  • Meta

Thanks for the great formatted question with all necesssary information included /images/icons/smile.gif


Sorry to say, but the unreviewed-queue in the category is heavily flooded with unaproppriate submissions, which will make it some time to process all entries. Seems that Hosting/Directories is not very clear to submitters /images/icons/wink.gif Lots of Hosting-Services submitted there, and I spottted tons of spanish sites and other stuff not belonging there.


That seems to be the reason that your site has not been touched yet, it is still waiting for an editor to review.

Curlie Meta/kMeta Editor windharp




Thanks for the reply chief...!


Sorry for the typos in my first post..I have corrected the same.


Hopefully, my site is spotted by the concerned editor for the category, i have submitted and the listing gets approved, very soon. /images/icons/smile.gif


Any ideas, approximately, how long it would take to wade through the inappropriate submissions...??


Thanks again




>>how long it would take to wade through the inappropriate submissions<<


Totally unpredictable, but it will probably be a very long time /images/icons/frown.gif


>> will probably be a very long time <<


Say a couple of months..?? Hopefully soon..!




  • Meta

>>Say a couple of months..??


I would not say that. LOTS of inappropriate submissions. But not all OBVIOUSLY inappropriate. And, unlike Yahoo, we try to find a place for the ones that we think might have a place.


Could someone please tell me..how deep is my link hostoholic.com waiting for the review ??


Thanks much again



  • Meta

There is no "deepness" since its not a queue in the good old english meaning.


Editors can sort the list by lots of different criteria, whichever they prefer. I for myself prefer sorting by URL or title and starting at "D" upwards (Yes I am discriminating those "A.A.A. Service").

Curlie Meta/kMeta Editor windharp




Thanks for explaining that windharp...I hope, hostoholic.com is reviewd at the earliest...!


Thanks again



  • 4 weeks later...



Could someone please help me with the current status of hostoholic.com ??


Thanks again

  • Meta

Still sitting in unreviewed there.


As previously mentioned, the category is a haven for inappropriate submissions. It takes time to relocate them to find the real/good submissions and actually list them.

  • 3 weeks later...

Does it help mailing the editor(s) of that category and requesting him/her to do something about it ??


Thanks again

  • Meta

You can try, but if I was the editor of that category I wouldn't mind.


Reason: If submitters knew that mailing an editor would speed up things... No, I don't want to imagine this :-)

Curlie Meta/kMeta Editor windharp



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