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Company Site with 4 business areas each engl/germ.

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Guest Ensslen


i do not know in which category I should add my costumer. www.magura.de

It is a company with 4 different business areas, bicycle components, motorcycle components, industrial engineering and injection molded parts. The site is clearly splitted in this 4 parts and then in two different languages (english/german).

Is it allowed to split the site into 8 parts, or will this regarded as spam?

for example:


magura bicylce components in english

-> sports, cycling, manufacturer


magura bicycle components in german

-> world, german, rad.... etc.


This would make 8 registrations necessary. Is this ok?


Thanks a lot,


  • Meta

Eight seems a bit excessive. I do not think "industrial engineering and injection molded parts" are different enough to warrant separate listings. I would also try to find a common category for "bicycle and motorcycle parts". What categories were you thinking of submitting to?


As for German and English, they are completely separate considerations. The English-language sites will be reviewed completely without regard for the German-language listings, and vice versa. You might ask about the German categories in our German-language forum.


A quick look at the English pages raises some questions. It _almost_ looks like Babelfish translation, which we typically wouldn't list (since anyone can Babelfish any page for themselves). You might want to get a native speaker to edit the copy.


Another issue: the site can be listed in a Regional category (and, of course, the equivalent World/Deutch category) if it has a relevant locale -- if I'm reading the address correctly, "Bad Urach" is the town it's located in? And that listing is without any consideration of whether it has other Business or Shopping listings.

Guest Ensslen

Re: Company Site with 4 business areas each engl/g


Thanks for the quick answer.

I decided to add only the bicycle part, because this part is most valuable for users.

On which category I have to list the site in german language is clear.

But I was surprised by the bad english you mentioned. It was translated by specialists not by a utility... :( I don't want to start a discussion whether there are mistakes or not. I will check that and submit it later. Thanks for the advice!

  • Meta

Re: Company Site with 4 business areas each engl/g


To me it really does not look like a machine translation - maybe since I am used to non-perfect english and to the typical mistakes that german technicians make ;)


I wouldn't consider that as a problem. Although it is not perfect english (If you want to achieve this, you should get someone who speaks english as his first language to reqork the texts. This is not such a bad idea, thinking in terms of global market) it is pretty understandable. A machine would never have been able to figure out those technical language in the way it is.

Curlie Meta/kMeta Editor windharp



  • Meta

Re: Company Site with 4 business areas each engl/g


On the translation, I defer to the language expert and the witness. But I do insist it was definitely not translated by a native speaker of English, nor even a Texan.

Guest Ensslen

Re: Company Site with 4 business areas each engl/g


:) all right, there's www.magurausa.com, too. It is especially for north american citizens... but I don't want to promote anything...

  • Editall/Catmv

Re: Company Site with 4 business areas each engl/g


The format that I have liked best for multi-language sites is to have a little language toggle on each page (flags or language name.) If for example, http://www.magura.de/ had a clearly displayed English link, then http://www.magura.de/ would be listed under both the World/Deutsch and main ODP categories. This is a little less confusing than trying to keep track of two different urls that are the same site in different languages.


Please note, what you have is fine for listing. I just think it would be helpful for users to have the two different languages linked to each other. :)

Guest Ensslen

Re: Company Site with 4 business areas each engl/g


Thanks. This seems the best way, but I have to coordinate this with the company...

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