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A personal experience

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Guest kujanomiko

...I had to blink at seeing the new posts in this thread...it started out being a big heated discussion, and now its deteriorated into nude postcards and kitty pr0n.


* kujanomiko likes it!


Thanks Dave! /images/icons/wink.gif


And Kujanomiko, are you trying to bypass adult word checks or do you watch a lot of pr0n? heheh (Really, you need to get out more!) /images/icons/smile.gif


Thanks Jordan. And it was won when I'd ground to a virtual halt due to other urgent things cropping up. I should be up and running again shortly.


Well done Angela! Is that your editor name - Angela? May I remind you (gloat) that I did say "when" and not "if" /images/icons/smile.gif


I'm not altogether sure that I approve of naughty postcards being sent to everyone. Initially, they were just meant for ME. I do have feelings ya know /images/icons/frown.gif




What, you won't stand a round of naughty postcards for our good buddy Angela? You must be a dull fellow at the pub!


(I think she's called artisan on the "inside".)


[Warning! This post is very, very sarcastic!!]

She is. I know because I clicked that amazing little link which is the link to her profile, in [edit..whiche? /images/icons/frown.gif] which she has stated that her editor name is artisan /images/dmoz/biggrin.gif /images/icons/laugh.gif

Oh, alright then. Seeing as it's you, Valerie, I'll try to live with one round of naughty postcards to celebrate Angela's acceptance. But after that, they should all come to me again - or I'll sulk.
Phil, I thought we agreed that I'll pretend to send you postcards and you will imagine what it might say (or show, as the case may be). /images/icons/blush.gif
You did Angela. But you haven't pretended to send me any lately /images/icons/frown.gif
Point taken. Ok, here's one - and it's a doozy! You'd better not imagine it out loud!
Guest kujanomiko

okay, okay you two, take it to pmsg or the adult forum now, its getting to be too much for my underaged virgin eyes...




WOW!!!! It *was* a doozy! So much of a doozy that I didn't understand it /images/icons/frown.gif


Do you think Valerie would interpret for me ?


I'm pretty sure Valerie could interpret, but her imagination might be more explicit than mine! She might require an Age Verification System.


And K - would you like me to pretend to send you something a little tamer so you can imagine too?


Wow, a new social phenomenon - virtual imaginary cybersex!


If you two are having an interpretation problem, why not just get together, I ask innocently. (I don't mention the number of couples who met and married through ODP.)


Ehm.... I hate to be the evil, damn, usual wet blanket, but... would everybody mind moving this discussion to the Members' Lounge Forum /images/icons/wink.gif


It's just becoming more and more OT for this Forum/thread...


Thanks all

  • 4 weeks later...

Your post is right on point. My website was approved and listed in DMOZ (BEFORE) I became an editor. In fact for thoses who may read this post, I read everything I could find about becoming an editor and DMOZ guidelines before I submitted by application.


My application was submitted and within 8 hours I was approved. I don't know why my application was accepted so quickly. I can only guess that by applying myself and taking the time to research on becoming an editor paid off in the long run.


I can tell those individuals who are thinking about becoming Editors to do your research prior to submitting your application. Read the post on this board and contact other editors to get a feel for what they do.


Providing and approving vital web content/information is not something to be taken lightly. Have a sincere desire in the field or subject in which you are applying for. One more thing...Good luck!


Just my two cents!

Good post abdi. This mirrors my experience as well. I remember that I was approved by the time I got up the next morning. It pays to spend the time up front doing the research prior to submitting your application. Obviously it shows the Meta working on the apps that you are serious about doing the job. Pretty much the same as applying to any type of job.
  • 2 weeks later...

Hallo everybody, my name is Lucio Virzì,

sorry not having much time to read all the thread and discuss with you my experience, i just want to agree with phil and his opinions reported in the first post.


I think that, half the time spent by editors in this thread should be sufficient to argue an application form rejected to a person who want to help you build a better DMOZ with his experience.


Bye, have a nice day.




P.S. I'm here thanks to fradelfra, from an Italian forum, excuse me for my bad English


LuVi – nice post!


I was as puzzled by phil the first couple of times that I applied for a small cat and was rejected via the form e-mail. I now understand why my suggested three sites and write up showed that I should not have been set loose on the category. However, at the time I did not have a clue what I was doing wrong.


After my rejection(s), I kept seeing "This category needs and editor" and got annoyed. /images/icons/crazy.gif I felt like I was reading tea leaves by trying to guess what the application form meant. For me it was a simple disconnect. I thought ODP – established and big as it was – already had all of the sites that easily fit into my desired category. So, I thought that they were looking for expansion candidates that ALMOST fit into the category. Wrong!</font color=blue>


Once I figured out that ODP was not perfect and had some missing links, I submitted editor application number three or four. That one was accepted. /images/icons/cool.gif


However, along the way I was ticked off and frustrated. I am pretty stubborn and do not take most things personally, so I kept trying to figure out the intellectual problem of how to get accepted. But a more normal person might have simply walked away and started bad mouthing the elite snobs at ODP.


I suggest that some more time be spent on the rejections, especially if the applications are flawed but sincere. (I know mine OOZED </font color=green> sincerity.) Pointing folks in the right direction with helpful comments for the rejection might get more people to reapply and feel like there was a community out there worth joining.

  • Meta

Sometimes these threads seem to be one long litany of "I'm always rejected, and I don't have a clue."


It is always truly refreshing to hear about someone who found the clue and got in. The application gives us a very brief check on your taxonomic and grammatical acuity, and an even less tangible indication of your honesty, but we really need editors who are still capable of learning new tricks without a dog trainer....and therefore we're glad to have you.


Sometimes people think a second, improved application will be rejected out of prejudice....but our prejudice runs altogether the other way.


Thanks for illustrating that so well.

  • 4 months later...

Hi all,

at last, i filled my third application form. <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />

I use to think i'll never do so, but searching for a right category for adding an url, i did'nt found an editor for it.

So i tried again; i don't know if it has been rejected, at now, but i will like to read some reasons for this, if it will.


Thanks all, good job to everybody.


LuVi - Lucio Virzì

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