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This is really weird.


http://www.foreigntaxtranslations.com/ was submitted on September 7th, 2000. Is was accepted for Business: Business Services: Translation Services: Global: F (a category that doesn't exist any more) on November 4th, 2000.


On March 19th, 2002 it was transferred to Business: Business Services: Translation Services: Multiple Language: North America: United States. And it should have been listed there ever since. It does not seem it was ever deleted. It simply vanished, I don't know why and when.


I'll bring this one up in an internal forum. Maybe someone can find out what happened. [For editors only: See http://forums.dmoz.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p=1136167.]


Thanks for asking! Maybe you've shown us a bug in the system.




  • Meta
It is listed as Foreign Tax Forms in that category again - known bug that prevents some entries from being visible. Applied the patch and it showed up.

Curlie Meta/kMeta Editor windharp



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