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We submitted http://facegum.com/ on 4.24.02 to



Totalxive checked it was still in the cue on 6.09.02 and I'm sure you are all still submerged... but I would appreciate another check - also to make sure it hasn't slipped into a different cat.


The ladies will soon need to repair their sun damaged faces../images/icons/cool.gif..with our discovery!


Thanks very much.


Andrea Abbott Cosmetics

The site was deleted from unreviewed on 03/Jul/2002 - no further information available (plus I try and stay away from the Shopping/ branch myself as I just don't like it).

Thanks for checking.


Oh. That is bad news. I was having a general discussion about the site with hutcheson in "submissions" at that time, and things appeared to be OK.


I would very much like to know what to do about this. I have no idea what was deemed wrong with the site. Resubmitting the same thing does not seem practical....


Thanks to anyone.




To be honest with you, I've got no idea myself. As I said, I try and avoid editing in the Shopping/ branch so (even as editall) I'm not 'too' up with the specific guidelines there.


[added: actually, I've had an idea of something to check - but it'll have to wait until later today as the ODP is currently unavailable to editors for technical reasons]


Thanks to both of you for checking. I'm a bit lost /images/icons/crazy.gif about it. Happy to make changes if I knew where to start.


I will email the meta above and look forward to anyone's suggestions.




Hi Crone,


I see what you mean.


Actually the "main" site and other supporting site (keracell.com) about our technologies are not intended for most visitors (very few follow the links there now) but for possible business partners or the inquisitive.

We're a one product small business, so getting the product information seen is our priority. Perhaps my layout could have been better.


I notice that


has rather more "product" vs "company" listings and is also appropriate?




Sorry, but I really can't help you. I'm not an editor at the ODP. As I said, it's only a guess, the editor who removed it is the only one that can answer for his/her decision to remove your site.


You might want to try getting advice from the Submissions forum about which site is appropriate (according to the ODP) to list.


Thanks very much Crone...I had a brief discussion about it on the submissions forum some weeks ago...(07/04/02). It seems to be an individual editor's choice, possibly in some context. Hopefully, we'll learn. /images/icons/smile.gif




I thought this idea was worth a discussion in the submissions forum...so started one. /images/icons/cool.gif Thanks for the thought.






Thank you everyone for your interest and ideas. As suggested, I began a discussion with a meta who also provided several good ideas for the site. And got it listed. Ahhh.


The cause of the removal from the cue was not learned, however there was some confusion about the role of my other sites (company vs product) and whether there was repetition of content - so this was likely the impression given to the previous editor (who was probably working at the speed of light....).





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