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Company Website or Product Website?

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Hi all,


Both company Websites and product Websites are listed in DMOZ categories - it's usually clear from the title which they are.


However a comment contributed in the "status" forum (in response to possible reasons why my site was dropped from the cue - just speculating) was along the lines of "perhaps the main company site should be submitted, not the product site".


As a small, one product business, getting the product information out is primary. Our other two sites, one about our company background and the other about how other companies can use our technology for their own brands, are of little interest (yawn) to most visitors. Very few people click through on links to these now. So we only submitted the product presentation and sales site.


However, I can't see a DMOZ recommendation or a discussion on the subject.


What say you?






Do your websites interlink to each other? This would mean that if you submitted your main website and it was accepted (if it conforms to ODP guidelines) then visitors can still find your other websites on your website.


A silly question but nothing to do with ODP: Why do you have three websites for one subject? Surely it would be clearer for customers/potential customers if they could get all the information they need from one place?






Hi Marieloona


Thanks for asking.


Yes the Websites have links - so visitors can get the information if interested.


Not a silly question: we have 3 Websites for a) a silly reason and b) a good reason.


a) Silly reason: back when I started the sites /images/icons/tongue.gif message boards recommended interlinking from other sites to get Google popularity (PR). Now that's somewhat passe, however


b) Our cosmetic product is "unheard of" in it's composition and it's method of use. We can't allow visitors to make assumptions about it before learning the whole story - hence a separate and defined presentation sequence on our product site - without initial diversions. And a somewhat unusual product name .. /images/icons/laugh.gif .. to let them know it's different. Besides, the other content can be boring to many.


While some sites are fine to surf around, we need to get a crumb of understanding transferred first...so that's it!


Bit of a task...



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