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If it is a April Fools joke, is there not legal jeopardy to Dmoz and AOL by putting a copyright on the home page with a trademarked name?

Is a pledge of Allegiance to Microsoft needed now?


Oh I feel sorry for all those Linux loving editors in dmoz.


David Pendray


I just removed my OS/2 from my computer, and installed Windows. At the moment I'm busy fetching megabytes of fixes through windows update. Brb, have to reboot _again_. /images/icons/wink.gif


BTW: how does "Microsoft Communicator" or "Microsoft Mozilla" sound? /images/dmoz/purplegrin.gif

While you're at it check out the nice Microsoft headers and footers now appearing on ODP pages. I especially like the copywrite Bill Gates 2002 tag

>...legal jeopardy to Dmoz and AOL by putting a copyright...




(and no, there's not...)


Check out the new "About" page: http://dmoz.org/about.html


Also note our new motto: "Monopolies do it better"!


We always speculate about what Keith and Bob are going to do for April 1st, and they always outdo anything we could imagine!


<< Check out my profile and see where I say Open Directory Project? They changed it to Microsoft Directory! >>


Try adding Open Directory Project to your profile and it automatically changes it to Microsoft Directory Project freaky


GREAT and FUNNY this years April Fools joke


1st of April this year was one of the best. I'll remember it as long as I live. "Very funny". I'm still kind of laughing.


Thank you so much to those who did it.


For those who did not login on the 1st of April : I took some screenshots of some danish GOD pages :




Wish for all to have a

/images/icons/smile.gif HAPPY SPRING and HAPPY SUMMER /images/icons/smile.gif


All the best


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