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I would be honored to serve as editor of the classification "Society: Politics: Alternative Political Systems. This class has only 31 entries. I read them all. Three were dead links. I could probably handle another area in the same or a similar genre of a comparable size.


That's great! /images/icons/smile.gif


To apply, you'll need to fill out this form: http://dmoz.org/cgi-bin/apply.cgi?where=Society/Politics/Alternative_Political_Systems . After you've sent it, you'll get an email which you'll need to reply to. (This is an automatic verification that the email adress is valid.)


And then you'll need to wait a bit - there's a finite number of people who review applications.


Regards, Hilde


The category: http://dmoz.org/Society/Politics/Alternative_Political_Systems/ has a total of 40 sites (as it has a subcategory 'Distributism' which has 9 sites), but only 2 of sites in the main S/P/APS category are 404'd (well, they were - I've now deleted them. Thanks for the pointer).


If you are interested in editing this category (and I see no reason why you can't - but I'm not a "meta editor" who accepts applications), then just go to the category and hit the "become an editor" link at the top of the page. Read the pages CAREFULLY (it _is_ worth reading the editing guidelines which are linked from the application pages), complete the form (it's worth actually filling it in in something like Word/Notepad before hand so you can re-read it before you press the powerful 'Submit' button).


If you have any questions about the application process, please feel free to ask here.

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