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That category has got a _massive_ backlog (but since it's a "second level" category, the majority of it is bound to be spam)...

Your site _is_ in the queue, but it could be a while before it is reached for review... The queue list took around 2 minutes to load on my ADSL connection /images/icons/frown.gif

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Actually, the 'Submission guidelines' for this category read:

>> PLEASE NOTE! Please find the most appropriate sub-category for the site. By submitting to this more general category of Shopping/Jewelry, rather than a specific sub-category, your site may take up to 18 months to be listed. Submitting it to the proper sub-category (e.g. a site selling watches should be submitted to Shopping/Jewelry/Watches) will speed the review process. Find the single most appropriate category for your site. With few exceptions, sites will only be listed once in the directory. <<


Thank you for your quick replies. I prefer being listed in Shopping/Jewelry but an alternate category would be Shopping/Jewelry/Diamonds/Diamond_Jewelry/. Reason being I also carry colored stone jewelry.

Would you suggest I submit there and also to Houston/Business_and_Economy/Shopping/Jewelry/ as totalaxive mentioned?


If I do those submissions would it be considered spam?


Thanks again!!


Since you already have a jewelry site (http://www.dreamgold.com/) listed in three dmoz jewelry categories http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Jewelry/Fine_Art/ http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Jewelry/Precious_Metals/ http://dmoz.org/Regional/North_America/United_States/Texas/Localities/H/Houston/Business_and_Economy/Shopping/Jewelry/ you may be pushing your luck a bit.


Especially since the Dream Gold site is affiliated with ejewelry.com/jewelers-services.com.


Thanks for your reply old_crone.


Yes sir I do have Dreamgold.com which is a listed jewelry site. They are good listings and I have other products which are relevant to other categories that I would like to submit.


Dream Gold does have a link to jewelers-services but I have much more success with my own products i.e. custom designs, platinum jewelry, fire fighter jewelry, Evotag for Harley riders and motorsports jewelry.


Most all of the web site that are affiliates of ejewelry/jewelers-services are hosted there and offer no jewelry or services of their own. Dreamgold.com cannot be compared to the rest of those sites.


In reference to InexpensiveDiamondJewelry.com. It has completely different look and product mix with no similarity to Dream Gold.


If you take a look at the two site I think you will see that they are very individual and unique sites.


Best regards

Two separate URLs do not make for two separate listings, whether or not the sites look different or not. It is based on Content and Ownership. If it is the same company involved in both, then only the parent site gets listed. Hutcheson already summed this up very well in a recent thread.... <goes to look>.

I did notice that you appear to have you're own content on the Dream Gold site. But if what you are saying is true about your affiliation with ejewelry.com, then why have the affiliation at all? Especially since it could compromise your dmoz listings, not to mention that your users think they are buying from you when they clearly aren't.


Let me offer you some food for thought. Would you divide up your in-store jewelry stock by type (gold, silver, diamonds) and then place them in different stores at different locations? Of course you wouldn't if you're a smart retailer, not to mention the overhead it would cost. Most people are spontaneous shoppers and if they have to go to two or three different stores to buy what they want, they will most likely go where they can get everything in one place. And you will miss a sale.


So, what is different about doing it on the Internet? Why not offer all your relative merchandize in one location? What reason do you have to divide your online stock and have different urls? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out why. I believe you knew the potential for being labeled a spammer by sneaking this site in. Why else would you pretend not to know that a site can be listed in both the topical and regional categories?


Do yourself a favor and spend your time and energy developing a good online jewelry site. One that offers all your products and develop more information for you potential customers and earn even more online credibility. That is of course, if you're in it for the long haul.


While the two sites look different the content is still jewelry, which doesn't offer anything unique by definition.


Just my 2 cents, which is all it's worth since I'm not an editor on the ODP.


That thread was at: http://www.resource-zone.com/showthreaded.php?Cat=&Board=status&Number=5852&page=&view=&sb=&o= ; though not all that was said there applies here, it is still worthwile for all submitters to bear in mind.




Although not a requirement to be listed in ODP or anywhere else, you are very close to being able to get your web site to Validate to the HTML 4.01 standard. Ten minutes with a text editor should easily clear up the few simple errors:


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