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Directory for the Visually Disabled

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As I was working on my site and trying (unsuccessfully) to get it fully compliant with the specifications outlined on Bobby, I could not help but thinking how extrordinarily difficult it was and how few sites out there are really 100% friendly to the blind.

I think it would be a huge incentive to alot of people to actually get their sites compliant if they would have a chance of get listed in the DMOZ.

Perhaps even a duplicate listing. One in the "regular" directory and one in the visually impaired friendly one.


Admission to it could be objectively based on the results of Bobby, and perhaps some visually impaired persons would be interested in reviewing the sites to see if they really do "read" well.


This could be a good opportunity for DMOZ to really make a positive impact on society and the web (not that it hasn't already but I am sure you understand what I mean)


The DMOZ has already instituted something like this with the kids-n-teens section so it is not to outragous an idea.


Any thoughts?


Here are a few sites that could start it out: (none of them are mine or link to mine)




Yup, that is about all I could find. not alot out there for them that is easy to find. I am sure it is there, but no good directory that would make surfing easy.


It might be a challenge just getting the ODP pages themselves to pass even the lowest standard 3




I would be glad to help out on that project.





Google Search for bobby approved leads me to these two cats ...

  • [*]

[*] Society/Disabled/Assistive_Technology/


I think the former is more appropriate for Bobby approved sites since http://bobby.cast.org/ is listed as cool site there.


Subcat for only bobby approved sites may be appropriate there when the number of sites listed warrant. And that subcat could be imported from ODP RDF file into a bobby approved directory site, if the standard ODP directory pages can't easily be made bobby approved. I note that ODP staff is endeavouring to make ODP directory pages validate to HTML4.01.



Both those categories are sites devoted to USING accessability browsers or MAKING accessable pages. both excellent categories, but not what i had in mind.


Where is a list of all the cool fun sites MADE USING THAT KNOWLEDGE for those browsers?


How much fun could it be reading about making accessable pages? how much fun surfing sites ABOUT being blind?


How about surfing a site full of jokes, A site full of good stories? or a site about todays news?


Here is a good place to find a braille book http://www.loc.gov/nls/


But what about reading a good book online?

Or help fixing your computer online?


What about this site http://www.nlbuk.org/


It still does not look to "fun"


I wish i could express my idea better /images/icons/frown.gif





I think that's an excellent suggestion! I've posted a thread about it on our internal fora, with a pointer here.


Thanks! /images/icons/smile.gif


Regards, Hilde

Oh, the "proper" link to the ODP's "Bobby report" is: http://bobby.watchfire.com/bobby/bobbyServlet?URL=http%3A%2F%2Fdmoz.org&output=Submit&gl=wcag1-aaa#bobbyReportText . The link you included pointed to the Google Directory, which while it _does_ use ODP data, has no "direct connection" with ODP. If they've got mistakes etc in their HTML, there's nothing anyone at ODP can do directly about it (bar drop them poilte emails).

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