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Could someone please check the submission status of this domain. It was submitted to Top: Shopping: Entertainment: Tickets: Sports: Football about 6 weeks ago.





It has been deleted as it is a reseller/affiliate or call it what you will. A separate (or sub-)domain name does not make for a separate listing in the ODP.


At least four editors are agreed on this, so far, and further (re-)submissions (to this, or to any other cat) will probably be treated as spam.


How is it determined as a reseller/affiliate?? It IS NOT an affiliate site and is not a seperate or sub domain. It is owned and operated by AET.


We don't have any other site in the directory that sells Rose Bowl tickets.


How is this site any different than any other site in the category?


http://www.rosebowltickets.com/ - Owned by Razorgator

http://www.cornhuskers-tickets.com/ - Owned by WS Tickets

http://www.college-bowl-tickets.com/ Another site owned by WS Tickets, (links at the bottom)

http://www.superbowlticketscenter.com/ - Owned by ticketvision.com

http://ravens-tickets.com/ - Owned by Stage Front Tickets


I am a bit confused here, not sure how we are an affiliate and every other site in the Category is not.



I can't get Rose Bowl Tickets from any other site? Are you sure?
tickco.com is not in the directory, we are currently not represented in ODP for Rose Bowl tickets, I am positive.

There is a category reorganisation going on; I can see that http://tickco.com/ has been moved (along with loads of other sites) to a private area where categories are being rebuilt. When completed, the new structure will be moved back to the public view. I am not involved with the re-org, nor do I edit anywhere near those cats, so I cannot give you a timescale (probably a few weeks or maybe more).



>> we are currently not represented in ODP for Rose Bowl tickets,


What other domains / listings do you have in ODP ?

Guest just_browsing

"What other domains/listings do you have in ODP?"


Might take a while to work it out. A cursory search shows the following domains lead to the same phone number.


There are around another 50 with that phone number


I have no idea how many are listed in DMOZ


There must be a very hard working individual at the end of that telephone <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />


































etc, etc, etc, ........................


"I have no idea how many are listed in the directory"


Out of 50? ... one.


None of the sites in the AET Network mirror or duplicate each other, and yes the phone staff stays pretty busy <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> .

Guest orbiter
Isn't is supposed to be one site per company in shopping cats? Companies selling widgets don't get listings for each different kind of widget they sell if they put each one on a different domain. Shouldn't tix brokers get one listing in topical and regional regardless of how many domains they have?

What if you don't have one site that sells all your widgets? AET has one site in ODP. It is a very targeted sells tickets to one specific event that takes place once a year. Is that going to be their only representation in ODP? They will not be allowed to submit other quality sites, that have nothing to do with the one represented.


Example: Let's say they have a Super Bowl tickets site in ODP. What is the problem with them developing and submitting a site that sells golf tickets? They are not duplicating any content, and the products they are selling are completely different.


From giz's message in this thread:

There is a category reorganisation going on; I can see that http://tickco.com/ has been moved (along with loads of other sites) to a private area where categories are being rebuilt. When completed, the new structure will be moved back to the public view. I am not involved with the re-org, nor do I edit anywhere near those cats, so I cannot give you a timescale (probably a few weeks or maybe more).

Tickco is the parent company.

There's your answer!

Example: Let's say they have a Super Bowl tickets site in ODP. What is the problem with them developing and submitting a site that sells golf tickets? They are not duplicating any content, and the products they are selling are completely different.


It's redundant, not to mention a creative spamming technique. All urls lead to the same source with the same primary objective; to sell entertainment and sporting events tickets. The only thing different about the sites are the events they are selling tickets for, which doesn't make them unique in my opinion.

Guest just_browsing
The only thing different about the sites are the events they are selling tickets for, which doesn't make them unique in my opinion.


Its an interesting thread here, because that is the nub of the problem.


Certain categories, where there is money to be made, naturally makes it profitable for site owners to invest in several sites with different URLs, rather than the cheaper "doorway" page.


"Tickets" is an example of this sort of category. With the best will in the world it is difficult to make such a category "clean" without the editor either spending considerable time researching each and every submission in great depth, or the editor having an encyclopedic knowledge of the topic.






are relatively clean. It took me a considerable length of time to ascertain that one site had a parent site listed in "Shopping: Entertainment: Tickets" , with two of its "doorway" sites in http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Entertainment/Tickets/Sports/Football/


And that another operator had "doorway" sites in "football" and "rodeo" and "golf"


Those are, I am sure not the only examples in the "....tickets/..../football" category


But given the "professionalism" of submitters in the ticket topics , I would be surprised if it could be expected to be any "cleaner"

Guest orbiter

If there are 100 scalpers out there, each should have one listing in the tickets category in shopping. It doesn't benefit anyone for the directory to list the same 100 companies 10x in the same or similar section of the directory. It is massive redundancy. If that spead across the whole directory there might be 15,000,000 sites listed but only 1.5 million companies there. What would be the point of having a directory? Just search Google. Ad engines like LookSmart probably wouldn't mind listing them all. It is not difficult to design a site that can include a wide variety of tickets to different events or just link all the keyword domains together so a customer can easily find what they are looking for.


Sales commercial offerings aren't considered content are they?


I am not quite sure how you came to your conclusions without having seen either site and I am not sure how that is redundant. They are two totally different products and two totally different sites. I think that a ticket to a Rolling Stones concert is far different than a ticket to the Super Bowl. The sites are not "Cookie Cutter", each one appeals to a different fan base and are customized to the event.





Do you think that the only thing different about these two sites are the cars they sale? Both owned by Ford and both in ODP. Is this a creative spamming technique as well?


Not trying to be antagonistic, just trying to get a handle on where people stand on this subject.




<added>If editors determine that this is a "creative spamming techinque" I will understand and not submit another site. Personally I think the sites are unique and as long as one company doesn't duplicate content I don't see the problem, but that is just me. I understand the delima "just browsing" brings up though. It would be hard to keep up on duplicate sites from one company. I really appreciate your feedback on this subject. Intersting discussion.</added>

  • Meta

>>What is the problem with them developing and submitting a site that sells golf tickets?


Nothing. Nothing at all.


What's the problem with ODP listing such sites?


If everyone demanded a separate listing for every product they sold -- no matter whether it was a deeplink or a $6.00 domain name -- the directory would be unbuildable, and unusable so far as it was built.


If we tolerate anyone doing this, all the other spammer lemmings (or is that lemmer spammings?) will jump in.


So we don't go there. Website builders can still go wherever they want, and they can buy any advertising for any of it that they think would be profitable. But it's spam to the ODP, and trying to harass or trick ODP into propagating their spam for free -- is socially unacceptable and counterproductive.


Thanks for the feedback hutcheson. I wasn't trying to harass or trick the ODP in "propegating my spam". <img src="/images/icons/tongue.gif" alt="" /> (I hope I didn't come across that way) I respect and value it's place on the net.


I guess I was just unclear what ODP defines as spam.



Do not submit mirror sites. Mirror sites are sites that contain identical content, but have altogether different URLs.

Do not submit URLs that contain only the same or similar content as other sites you may have listed in the directory.



I didn't think that it was "identical content".

I thought the sites submitted had different content i.e. golf tickets and super bowl tickets


Where do you stand on the car example? Is there a difference?


Thanks again,


Guest orbiter

I think from the point of view of the site owner it makes complete sense to create different sites that target different markets with different information about different events. It's probably a good sales strategy.


It's probably a totally different perspective when trying to build a directory. From everything ODP says they are trying to be an informational resource. They make a distinction between information that is useful in and of itself and that which is designed to sell someone something (especially in the shopping category).


If a scalper had another site that sold memorabilia (but not tickets) online then that company could probably get another listing in shopping because it would be a very different category.


It can seems somewhat confusing at times but after reading lots of threads here and at other forums, ODP policies make a lot of sense and it is free publicity after all.


If there is a main office, the main site could probably get listed again in the appropriate regional section of ODP.

  • Meta

>If there is a main office, the main site could probably get listed again in the appropriate regional section of ODP.


Maybe--but only if there is local relevance. If you don't have walkin customers, and don't do service calls, and don't have information about hiring people, then there may not BE a local relevance.


But if you create a "main business page" with links to all the various products AND each different domain has a link back to the main domain (so we can tell that the main domain is not just a link farm) then the main business page CAN BE considered for listing under the main "tickets" category (or the most specific category that covers the content.


That is, we shouldn't penalize you for spreading the site over multiple domains (if done with no attempt to deceive or conceal company information) any more than we should reward you for the same thing.

  • Meta



I think in this case "spam" was a general term. Your answer may lie in the Shopping FAQ. I think Question 2.1 covers it. "A company should be listed under its primary line of business - so a site that sells 75 kinds of chocolate, and 2 kinds of nuts, would go under chocolate."


In your case your product is "tickets." So 15 sporting events and 5 Broadway shows, the product is still tickets. Listing each event is not proper procedure, regardless how many URLs are involved.


It is this way to discourage submitters trying to submit a page (or URL) for each product they carry. We are not supposed to be an online catalog.


I hope this sheds a little light on the subject.

Sometimes I feel so nice... good gawd


I jump back... I wanna kiss myself


I've got soul... and I'm super bad - James Brown

They are two totally different products and two totally different sites.


No they aren't different products since the products in this case are tickets. The sites are not selling the Rolling Stones or the Super Bowl, they are selling tickets from the same source, hence the redundancy.


I think you have been given some good info on the difference between good marketing strategies and directory indexing. The two do not always have a meeting of the minds. <img src="/images/icons/laugh.gif" alt="" />


I think this thread has gone on long enough. Hutcheson has made it clear that not all sites will be (or should be) listed in a directory such as ODP.


Tue question about the site's status has been answered. Let's leave it at that.

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