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Re: www.icreditcentral.com


The category in question has about 50 unreviewed entries waiting for review, one of those is yours. From the date of submission it is about the middle of the list.

Curlie Meta/kMeta Editor windharp




Re: www.icreditcentral.com


windharp -


Thanks for the update!

  • 1 month later...

Re: www.icreditcentral.com




Thanks for the follow-up. Would you advise to keep waiting or try to submit it to another category?


Thanks in advance for your help!



Re: www.icreditcentral.com


Keep waiting. Don't try to submit to another category -- all that will happen is that the editor in the other category would send the site over to the right one and you'd still be waiting.


Re: www.icreditcentral.com




Thank you for the follow-up. I will take your advice and wait it out for another few weeks and check back again at that time. Do you think it would help the matter any if I was to email the editor in the category?


Let me know what you think and thanks!



Re: www.icreditcentral.com


I don't think it'll make much difference (emailing the editor). The editor listed for that category seems to be quite active (having last logged in less than 5 hours ago) - plus the fact that they are one of the more senior ODP editors (a 'meta editor'). They (or an editor further up in the 'tree') will get to your site eventually, just have patience.

  • 1 month later...

Re: www.icreditcentral.com


2nd Follow-up on the status of our url www.icreditcentral.com. This was submited to this directory around 17 weeks ago - http://dmoz.org/Business/Financial_Services/Loans/


I noticed as of 12/06/02 there is no longer a editor for this category. Please advise me on what are the proper steps to take now that the category has no active editor?


Thanks in advance for any help!


  • 1 month later...

Re: www.icreditcentral.com




Thanks for the quick reply. I'm a man of patience, but even Job had to ask why <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />


I will check back again in a few weeks. Take care.



  • Meta

Re: www.icreditcentral.com


Well, if you must know the details, lightning took out the UPS on the dmoz.org servers, a tornado carried away the programming staff, and Turkish police kidnapped the editors. But don't listen to your wife, and see a doctor about that rash.


I must say that this is the most tactful way we've been accused of a having a God complex all week long.


Re: www.icreditcentral.com


>> Turkish police kidnapped the editors <<


That one isn't too far away from the truth. <img src="/images/icons/frown.gif" alt="" />

  • Editall/Catmv

Re: www.icreditcentral.com


The site looks great, but take away the affiliate links and banner adds and there's not much left.


Sorry, but I think you've waited five months to find out your site is unlikely to be listed at all.

  • Meta

Re: www.icreditcentral.com


dfy, I couldn't make this stuff up. A tornado really did interrupt my editing early last week. And you remember about the recent server hardware problems.

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