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  • Meta
Looks like you didn't remember good enough: It is not waiting in the category you named and it was not touched by an editor yet. So I have no chance to know where to look any further, sorry.

Curlie Meta/kMeta Editor windharp



  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

You can report all those dead links in the Abuse forum Hijack thread. That would be much appreciated and is a positive activity to do while waiting.


I took care of the dead link you reported - Thanks!


Not a problem, I'll be sure to report any other dead links. As for my initial question, any news regarding my submission? I'm pretty sure that this category fits our site just right, what do you think?


Thanks ahead for any replies...




  • 1 month later...
  • Editall/Catmv
Any idea on this? Hopefully there is no need to re-submit since the URL has changed, please let me know...thanks.


My advice would be to see where it ends up, but it looks like the new URL is more likely to be listed, if the editor in question looks deeply into the site.


If not, a request to change the URL is unlikely to succeed unless you set up a redirect of some sort from http://www.cgadgets.net/ to http://www.convenientgadgets.com


(This is based on my understanding of the DMOZ guidelines, and I don't edit in that section of the directory, so I may be wrong.)

Thanks for the reply...Any way you could give me a concrete answer. I would hate to risk having the wrong URL added to the directory. Every link on the http://www.cgadgets.net homepage redirects to http://www.convenientgadgets.com, are you certain this would be enough?


Also, could you tell me where my site submission stands, its been a month since my last inquiry. Thank you much..




Heres the category which we submitted to: http://dmoz.org/Shopping/Consumer_Electronics/C/

  • Meta
You are waiting for review there, and I added a note to the submission about the new URL, for the reviewing editor.
Curlie Meta and kMeta editor nea
  • 2 weeks later...

Seems like we got a dead or soon to be dead link in the following category:




Heres the title:CompuServe Store


Heres the link: http://store.compuserve.com/stores/gx.cgi/Display4?GSStore=cs&prd_id=-5233&dep_id=0&o_c=CST1&tpl=templates/main


Just celebrated one year of being in business. Ever since switching domain names in the hopes of establishing our identity, traffic has swooped to beginning like stages. I never really received a clear response as to wether we should re-submit with our new domain as opposed to the old domain.

I've placed a 301 re-direct on the old domain http://www.cgadgets.net that points to the new domain http://www.convenientgadgets.com. Is that enough? Do you think we are submitting to the appropriate category? Thanks for any replies/



Convenient Gadgets

The redirect almost always means that one of our automated tools with catch it. Still, you are more than welcome to go to the original category where it is listed, and do a URL Update stating what the old and new domain names are.
The redirect almost always means that one of our automated tools with catch it. Still, you are more than welcome to go to the original category where it is listed, and do a URL Update stating what the old and new domain names are.


This response assumes that the submission has been listed correct? I'm fairly certain we are still anticipating a listing. It seems that I am safe since I have placed the 301 re-direct, please let me know if there is anything I should do to make sure the right URL is posted. Thanks to all the moderators!!


Good Day,






Im trying to help out a bit by posting a dead link in (wow could you imagine that) the category we've submitted to, yet its still there. Im not writing to ask for an update because I know how strict you guys are about that. I've turned into an "odp addict", I'm constantly checking the forum and the category we've submitted too and the dead link is driving me mad.


So even though this won't speed up the submission process, could you at least take a look at this dead link and help out an odp junkie?






Heres the title:CompuServe Store


Heres the link: http://store.compuserve.com/stores/...=templates/main

  • 2 weeks later...
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