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how to submit under Proper category

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Guest featuredhost

For ages , i have been trying to get my site http://www.featuredhost.com listed here . http://directory.google.com/Top/Com...ment/Hosting/F/

I have submited N number of times , at least 4-5 times in the past 1 year i think

Till date all i have is a Listing in the Regional sub section under my country .

I need to know how does one go about getting a site listed in this particular section ..... when does this happen I have currently 115 backlinks as per Google , a PR of 6 . Also , how to contact the Editor of this particular category ? would like to email him as well, if possible . How is that possible ?

I have seen several of my competitors website in their respective categories on the same leve , eg . http://directory.google.com/Top/Computers/Internet/Web_Design_and_Development/Hosting/P/


If anyone has any idea / advice / comment please let me know . Also what kind of gifts do these Google Editors like ? ;)

  • Meta

1) We are not google. We are the ODP. You can't submit to google, since they are only mirroring our data. So you submitted to http://dmoz.org/Computers/Internet/Web_Design_and_Development/Hosting/F.


2) The correct forum for a request like this would have been the Site Submission Status forum.


3) If someone gains PR, backlinks or something else in an external search engine is of absolutely no relevance to us. We list sites in a directory structure for people who like to use a directory structure for searching.


4) The URL is listed in Regional/Asia/India/West_Bengal/Localities/Calcutta/Business_and_Economy/Internet and still waiting in the Hosting category. Remember you are making suggestions for the ODP who have to be reviewed by coluntary human editors.

Curlie Meta/kMeta Editor windharp



If anyone has any idea / advice / comment please let me know . Also what kind of gifts do these Google Editors like ?


If you were implying ODP editors, I recommend never mentioning gifts/bribes again.

The correct forum for a request like this would have been the Site Submission Status forum.

And the correct place to ask about it there would have been your original thread there, rather than starting a new thread.

Guest featuredhost
If anyone has any idea / advice / comment please let me know . Also what kind of gifts do these Google Editors like ?


If you were implying ODP editors, I recommend never mentioning gifts/bribes again.


Man ... that was a Joke , and a pretty obvious one, i would have thought . :)


Walk into a bank and joke about having a gun in your pocket... see how seriously they take you then.


WE treat it the same way.

Guest featuredhost

hi windharp ,

True YOU (DMOZ) are not Google . But apparently you have some pretty close tieups policywise , even .... thats why we cant directly submit to Google . And yes , i now get that PR and Backlinks dont push me from the Local directory to under WebDevelopment Category . So what does ? is it just the normal time for the particular Editor ? There must be some other factor , cause the other sites i am talking about have been picked up from particularly my current category to under F and G and A etc in the past 4-5 months . So it can't only be that the Editor for the particular category didn't have the time to review the category, is it ? I am NOT ASKING / DEMANDING why our site has been skipped , but what i am asking is wether we are missing out on any norms of submission or the existing site layout and structure / content wise .


as for my Duplicate thread ..... : From what the Forum Category Description says :

This category is for :

Submissions -- Topics related to getting a site listed in (or, in some cases, moved to) the appropriate category.
So as you see , its not that my site is trying to get listed ... if it was just that , i would have requested a Submission status . What i am searching for is tha answer to a "appropiate category move " querry . thats why the duplicate thread . :)

Hope this clears up a little more .

Guest featuredhost
Walk into a bank and joke about having a gun in your pocket... see how seriously they take you then.

WE treat it the same way.


Adding to your post count , fellas ? ;) Please reply to the Valid part of the post if you will , not the most lightest and unimportant part of it , if you realy take your work so seriously . No offense , but i think just one post about the joke was enough .... :warning:

  • Meta

The tie between Google and DMOZ is this: Google uses the ODP's data for its Google Directory. We don't get any data from them, and we are not allowed to take things like page rank into account (even if we knew how it works - I'm sure some editors do but many of us are not even sure what it is!) Many other directories also use our data. Google just happens to be particularly well-known. But anyone can use it, that's why it's called the Open Directory ;)


So much for the Google/ODP relationship. As for your other question: Your listing in one category (the Regional one) has no influence on your listing in another part of the directory. You were told that you are waiting in the Computers/ category, and that means there is nothing more you can do to get listed - you have done your part, now you have to wait until an editor comes by to edit it.


You can't look at the speed with which other site suggestions have been reviewed and use that as a measure for how long it will take until your site is reviewed. Reviewing sites is a hobby for the editors, we do it in our free time. So even guessing at a time line is a futile exercise. If you want to ask for the status of your site suggestion, you can do so in the Site Suggestion status forum, and please make sure that you read the Forum Guidelines first. Thanks :flower:

Curlie Meta and kMeta editor nea
  • Meta

What we're trying to impress on you is that comments about bribes are not "lighthearted". They are like "jokes" about bombs on airplanes. You may think they are funny, the airport police take them seriously. Dead seriously. Expect to be strip-searched if you even mention a really unprofitable movie at the wrong time. And don't expect an apology from the airport cops, don't expect your apology to be even listened to until after 24 hours in jail. And don't expect it to ever be accepted. Just accept that if you walk lightly all your days, it probably won't be brought up again.


You grok?


Now: apologize nicely to the editors before your website is strip-searched, looking for small pieces of javascript that might under some circomstances be assembled into an affiliate link. And, however lighthearted the expressions herein may be, the sentiments are NOT A JOKE.


But thank you for providing an object lesson to the bystanders.

Guest featuredhost

hutcheson : From the "A" beside your name , i can understand that you are one of the top guys down here and I am replying here after reading your post thouroughly. However , believe me when i say : I dont think you even read my original post . I dont realy see even when all you guys are trying to impress upon me , how that little line which i had originally written, just as a sort of last minute addon, could have so much effect. Yes , today after 11th September and many such incidents , airport police tend to be over cuatious , but it was never like this before . Even they used to be human and pleasantly asked "hey , that was a good one , but please show the baggage anyway" , if someome joked about a bomb in airport ". SO i take it that you guyus have also have been too much bad mouthing or accusations and finger pointing at you , to make you all as well so grumpy .

Everone understands that DMOZ editors ARE human beings doing voluntary work .... but the majority , and i would even say 90% of my original post was requesting advice or action onmy part .... to which i think 2 editors replied validly , for which i am very grateful.

But I am very shocked and disapointed to read your threatening tone

apologize nicely to the editors before your website is strip-searched, looking for small pieces of javascript that might under some circomstances be assembled into an affiliate link."
. I dont care if you NOW DO THAT and I also DO NOT anymore care , wether I get a better category in DMOZ because , from your comment it makes me think that "my position in the Directory is based on how nicely i suck up to the editors and not what is in my website . "


Why I am NOT apologizing : because i frankly did not mean any offense , as my post was NOT " do i have to give bribe to get a better category " but " what valid things i need to do with my content or Submission Request to get a better category . " You see , every day we also get several prospective customers querrying why our pricing is such and why are they not any lower , since all we have to is provide them some hard disk space :p !!! and simmilar wise comments . But that doesn't make us bitter to other customers , we still answer them with the same respect anyone deserves .

Once again , thanks to the editors who answered my querry and also to the others who bothered to reply .

  • Meta

Hey, let's cool down :cool:

Please just try to understand that people here take pride in giving their time. So it's understandable that several of them told you rather bluntly that they didn't find your little joke so funny.


" what valid things i need to do with my content or Submission Request to get a better category . "

The only possible answer is: "absolutely nothing". There are several dozen submissions waiting to be processed in that single letter of the alphabet, Computers/Internet/Web_Design and Development/Hosting/F. Yours is among them. It will be reviewed sometime (and it's not possible to give an estimate) in the future, and given the same fair treatment every one of the others will get. And no editor worth his/her salt will pay any attention to what has been said here when reviewing your site (and they'll probably not even be aware of it), we are supposed to be quite professional and cool-headed about submissions ;)

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