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status for http://www.arabo.com

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Again ( One Month Later ), ;)

1) Is there any update on the status for our English Home http://www.arabo.com/home.html listing in


2) Shall I go ahead and apply for our Arabic Home http://www.arabo.com to be listed in the equivilant Arabic Category


As we are a bilingual site as previously mentioned, or are we pending there as well ? We do not know as there seems to have been a re-shuffle in the directory.

3) Kindly confirm that is it our English home url pending in the fist category, and if it is our Arabic Home url pending in the Second Arabic Category, if not could you correct it pls. ? :confused:

Feedback appreciated, THANKS :)


Without comment on content or directory placement or noting that you are one day short of one month later -- as the "English" link in the upper right hand corner of http://www.arabo.com works, it would be ODP policy to list http://www.arabo.com (rather than http://www.arabo.com/home) in both the Regional and World/Arabic categories, if the corresponding language content is appropriate for those categories.
I'd wait for answers to the other questions -- but new submissions may overwrite old ones, so if an editor is looking at suggestions in order of submission, you'd lose your place in line if you resubmit.

You are waiting in the English language category under the original URL.


I did not find you waiting in the World category.


I am not real sure on what URL is listed in the World categories so maybe someone else can shine some light on that one.

  • Meta

The root URL (www.arabo.com) is the one to submit to the Arabic category - in fact, the root URL is in Arabic, and the English page is a deeplink, but since it is easily found from the front page of the site the root URL is the one to (possibly) list. (I haven't reviewed it, nor will I be the one to do so - I just looked at the site to see how easy the English content was to find).


So, to summarize the various snippets of information you've been given here:

* Your site is waiting for review in the English-language category. You do not need to resubmit it there.

* Your site is not waiting for review in the Arabic-language category you mentioned, and you may submit there if that is the best place for it.

* ...and if and when you have submitted it, you can return after one month or more to ask for its status - if you do, please use this same thread. :flower:

Curlie Meta and kMeta editor nea
  • 1 month later...
  • Meta
Yes, you are still pending review in Regional/Middle_East/Guides_and_Directories/.
Curlie Meta and kMeta editor nea
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 5 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

We have changed our policy on submission check updates. We will now only do them every 6 months as explained here.


I would not suggest you apply for that category. If you really want to be an editor because you think it would be a good hobby, study up on it, and you'll learn why that is not a good category for anyone to start with.


If you want to become an editor so you can list your site, don't bother. I don't think you'll be accepted as an editor of that category anyway.

  • 3 months later...


Status Please for http://www.arabo.com in:



After 6 months of self restraint I hope we deserve a little explanation more than just "still waiting review", a "Forget it" or a "Re-apply" giving reasons would be really appreciated

My case for getting listed is:

- We are bilingual site (Arabic and English) and it is well marked on all pages

- Most of our competition are already listed there

- Our coverage is really extensive, it took a lot of work, and deserve a little consideration

- More than a year in a que is a lot of time, although we appreciate your efforts, its mind blowing to think that the next time we can respond or ask again is by Mar 2005

Thanks for taking the time in such hectic overcrowded tasks.


  • RZ Admin



You are a little early to request a secondary status check. You had your last update on 04-04-2004 so you can request another after 10-04-2004. Please bump this thread on or after the 10th October at the time we can check the status again.


Tip: You can check to see if your site has been listed while you are waiting for the 6 months to be up by going to http://www.dmoz.org and typing in arabo.com search sometimes does not work but if you try a few times you will eventually get a results. You should try this as you can answer the status request yourself by looking at result #1 and #2

Curlie Admin photofox

Sorry for the mistake, in my window view the last post was on 06-03-2004, but you are right, point taken and understood.

We did not apply or submit to that second listing that is a deep link to one of our categories, so I will copy and paste the same message again in one month.

Thanks again


>> in my window view the last post was on 06-03-2004


The dates in this forum are in the form mm-dd-yyyy. I'm guessing you misread that date as March 6 instead of June 3?


That is correct Motsa, in the Middle East we are more used to dd.mm.yy

Will be noting that in the future, although time is passing slow on this end of the screen with the waiting and all :)

Thanks again

  • 1 month later...

Status Please for http://www.arabo.com in:



Hoping for a little explanation, more than just "still waiting review", a "Forget it" or a "Re-apply" would be really appreciated as we have been waiting for over one year

My case for getting listed is:

- We are bilingual site (Arabic and English) and it is well marked on all pages

- Most of the simmilar sites are already listed there

- We think we are doing a really good job

Thanks for taking the time in such hectic overcrowded tasks.


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