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1st of all, I think that the dmoz is doing the internet a great service. As for me, I'm learning the ropes =) I figured out most of the rules and thought I got it right.. ugh!


The 1st time I applied to be listed there was an error in my browser and so I applied again and at that time figured that I applied for the wrong CAT -- opps, sorry for the spam.


I've really messed up and tried again.. I need some help here. I paid for a service to get our site listed and in two days our site was everywhere, now that AOL and others use dmoz, we are no longer listed.


Please advise as to the status of my site, or if you even see it listed in any queue.


Thank you,

Scott <img src="/images/icons/cool.gif" alt="" />

  • Meta

Hmmm... I just had a look at http://www.vstore.com/ - the main site of the URL that domain's shop redirects to.

You maybe should reread the DMOZ-guidelines regarding affiliate sites. We only list sites having unique content, which in case of an online shop means it sells products by itself. Shops that are just (full or partial) frontends to other stores do not contain unique content in our definition.

Curlie Meta/kMeta Editor windharp




Ahh, I should have waited until I finished the content of our site. I have a few more pages to finish writing until I make it public. Once I finish the content and the VStore is in the background as an option.


My content is all about saving energy and the enviorment we live in. Things we can do to save Earth. Shopping online saves in more ways than one.


Tell me I'm not wasting my time.. it;s been seven months in the making. The Vstore only took seconds to make, my writing is still in the works.


Well, that makes since. I only added the Vstore because it's a site that maintains all of the links, products and services. I have much more to offer than just that. I just do not want to deal with stores directly, but I want to offer my visitors a great service as well.


Yeah, like I said ,, still learning the ropes of it all. I'm retired and the Vstore has potential to offer my famliy some additional income. After all, typing is just about all I can do.

<img src="/images/icons/smirk.gif" alt="" />


Yep, that was like my 1st attemp at making a website. I need to delete it. It's just full of links and ads. Yeah, like I said.. still learning the ropes.


Once I finish writing my content. I will redo the index at mallarama to just offer like one or two ads of my own to the vstore.


<img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />


What does a Google Cached mean? I know I have made several different pages, I just did not want the money I spent on the domain to be wasted.. but then learned that I was wasting it. That's why I started writing my views on mother Earth and how we can help.


I think I might need to just start over with a new .com for what I'm trying to do.

<img src="/images/icons/smirk.gif" alt="" />

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