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Using ODP editor priviledge to beat competition

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Hello Guys,


I am facing a very strange problem along with several other guys.


I have a site which was submitted to a category which is not very crowded and have limited number of listings (say 30-35).


The editor of this category is a guy who himself runs a business (web design business) which falls in the same category.


I am finding that several site including mine have never been reviewed or accepted into the system, who are competitors to this guy.


This is making me very much frustrated. Is there any way to deal with this guy. Being a competitor and with very different ways of thought, this gentleman and many guys do not go along well in personal life. The revange is been taken out on professional side of the life.


Any safegaurd!



Abhishek Rungta

  • Meta

Re: Using ODP editor priviledge to beat competitio


Any safegaurd!


Yes. Read this posting to see what you can do.


Something you should keep in mind, though: The fact that there are few sites listed in the category says nothing at all about how many sites are unreviewed. (There is no way for a submitter to see that.)


But editor abuse is taken seriously. If you read the posting referenced above and still believe you have a case, please use the abuse report.

Curlie Meta and kMeta editor nea

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