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I've submitted many months ago [and just again a few days ago] for Hotspots Afterdark http://afterdark.hotspots.com/cgi/?city_id=1 to be included in your Singapore Nightlife directory http://dmoz.org/Regional/Asia/Singapore/Business_and_Economy/Restaurants_and_Bars/Bars_and_Pubs/



1. Have never heard any response from dmoz

2. I had requested to be an Editor for the section but nobody replied

3. I can see that no Editor exists for that section, does that mean my site will never get listed?


Firstly your site has not been reviewed by anyone, and I therefore assume it is still waiting for review. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />


reply 1 - I'd be prepared to put money on less than .001% of submitters EVER hearing from an editor - normally no one is advised whether their site is approved or rejected.


reply 2 - When you applied you should have received an automated email to confirm your address to which you MUST reply before your application is reviewed.


reply 3 - No! Any editor higher in the tree can edit that category, as can cateditall, editall, and meta editors.


I can't see the queue as I don't have access to that category, but someone will get to it.


Looking at the site though...?? I'd probably expect that www.hotspots.com or (even more remotely) http://afterdark.hotspots.com would be more likely to be listed. We normally only list the main URL in this type of site.


Good luck, hope this helps somewhat. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />

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