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Do we want or need a forum to critique sites?

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When hutcheson says that he "does not review Flash sites", I think that he means he does not review them. That is, he refuses to waste his time waiting for a pointless animation to download when he could be doing useful work. I don't think that he's saying that he refuses to add them on principle, just that he avoids looking at them.


I do exactly the same thing. If I see a site that shows no content other than a "please wait" message while their Flash movie loads, I just close the window and move on to one that will take less time to review. The Flash heavy sites can be reviewed by someone else with a faster connection.

  • Meta
FTR, you're right, I mark them [requires Flash] and leave them languishing. Almost every editor has a class of sites they won't touch for one reason or another. No problem, we can all leave them for someone who can review it sympathetically.
Guest christophermiles

Holy cow man you cracked me up!


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