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Two URLs, Very similar content. Acceptable by ODP?

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Re: Two URLs, Very similar content. Acceptable by


If a company has two different sites with almost identical content, would ODP accept both URLs?


Not on purpose. And, in this particular case, not any more.


Thank you!

  • 6 months later...

Sites are not similar


Each of the sites owned by Rival Material Handling is very product or service specific... Rival owns a number of domains, each promoting a specific product line or service to help us focus on our target markets and attract only those that are interested in the specific products or services as follows:


http://www.rivallift.com - overhead cranes and supplies; below the hook devices.

http://www.rivaltransfersystems.com - commercial and industrial transfer systems

http://www.rivalstoragesystems.com - industrial and commercial storage systems

http://www.rivalinventory.com - your inventory service needs.

http://www.rival.on.ca - corporate site - consulting services, business profile


We would like each site to be allowed to promote in it's specific category.

We do not try to hide anything from the search engines in any way as having a good ranking is important to our business. Please review and advise. Thank you for any assistance.



http://www.rival.on.ca is listed


None of the others will be, as there are just considered "extensions" of the same site under different URL's.


Although from a general marketing view, it's considered normal to have multiple URL's for a company, ODP will not in most cases, list them.

  • Meta

If a compnay has several sites all about the same product, productgroup or related products we will one list one (1) of these sites.

In this case I think only your corporate site has a change of being listed.

I will not answer PM or emails send to me. If you have anything to ask please use the forum.

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