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I just sent my application to becme an editor for my chosen catagory, I sent the reply and I got the confermation eMail. But around how long do you think it will take before I actually get told wether I've been accepted or not? You can check out the catagory I applied for here.Any reply would be appreciated. Thanks!
  • Meta

I will not take your application (I am not familiar with /Computers tree) but it should be answered over the next few days.

BTW from editors we expect proper spelling.

becme - Become /images/icons/smile.gif Sorry about that!




I don't have high hopes for your application /images/icons/frown.gif


<blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr><p>Quoth wladek:

BTW from editors we expect proper spelling.<p><hr></blockquote>Isn't that what the spell checker is for? I myself am a prety bad speller, but I use the spell checker enough that I there aren't that many spelling problems in the categories I edit.

  • Meta
Yes, but you are expected to show that you can spell properly; spell checkers are fallible, you know. Inability to do so on an application or to check through it yourself for such problems suggests that you might not. It's like any job application in that respect, I suppose. :)
Okay, I get the point - next time I'll use a spell checker.
  • Meta
Eye awl-weighs speil czech thee wards -- yew cant no watt ewe mite half mist. Butt its knot alway rite. Ewe kneed too Noah whit yew mint awl-sew.
Guest kujanomiko
Awwww, kctipton, stop being so negative. You're always the pessimist. :p

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