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Thanks for the quick update - that's actually the category I was hoping for, but I think I tried to drill down a bit more. Would it be ok to just leave it at that level when resubmitting (After I update the content)?


I didn't think I submitted it more than a couple times over the past 6 months or so, sorry about that. Thanks again.

I don't mean to be a pain, but we basically have the new website ready to go, just a day or two more, and we'll be ready to go. But, is this too soon to re-submit - even though our listing was cancelled, is it ok to resubmit? Thank you again.
You must be in some kind of big hurry or something. That is not a good way to be when you are dealing with dmoz.org. Make sure you remember you need to wait a month between status requests and reuse your same thread.

I'm not really in a big hurry, well not anymore than any other web developer :)


I was just curious as to how it all works. I wasn't clear above in my previous message, I didn't mean to submit it now; I meant, would it be ok to submit it after the changes are made to our site (We have been working on it for a while now, it's pretty much complete).


Since our submission was turned down before, I don't know how it works - is it ok to re-submit in a few days when we have our new site completed; or would it be bad to resubmit so soon (even though our submission was denied)...hope that makes sense. Thanks.

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In a case like this, it won't hurt to add at the end of your suggested description a bracketed comment to the editor: "[site has added content since its last review]". That may make it less likely for the editor to reject it out of hand just because it had been rejected before. (I'm not saying the other happens often -- it doesn't -- but it's cheap insurance.)
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