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I was recently droped from Google because an ODP editor had changed my Locality from a city to a county. I was told that ODP changes and results have no effect on Google (see thread Temecula Real Estate) I am living proof it does. I wanted to post this from Googles FAQ site and AOL's as well to show they do use the ODP results directly. Google...


How can I change my site's description or title in the Google Directory?


If a site has been accepted for inclusion in the directory but you are dissatisfied with how the site is described or titled, you may go to the category where it is listed in Netscape Open Directory Project and fill out the "update URL" form. If you are dissatisfied with the category in which your site is listed, you may send an e-mail to an Open Directory editor for the category explaining your disagreement. Once it is updated there, your listing in Google will be updated.


How can I submit a web page to the Google Directory?


The web pages in the Google directory have been selected by thousands of volunteer editors from the Netscape Open Directory Project. If you would like to submit a web page to be included in future versions of the directory, you may submit the web page directly to the Open Directory by following the instructions here.




Add Your Site to AOL Search:

AOL Search is a hierarchical Web directory, organized by subject. All our user-submitted Web content is maintained by the Open Directory Project (http://www.dmoz.org). The Open Directory Project is run by a staff of volunteer editors who choose to evaluate and classify Web sites in one or more categories. The editor exercises the option of choosing to add a site, moving sites between categories and creating new sites.

To get your site listed:

1. Find the most appropriate category or subcategory within the AOL Directory.

2. From that category page, submit your site information from the Submit a Site link in the green Open Directory Project box at the bottom of the page.


In this way, you are determining where your site fits best, and then sending it to the correct place.


The Open Directory volunteers are quite passionate about their work, and your site will be evaluated quickly.


Please note that if your site is accepted, it will also appear on other sites that use the Open Directory, such as Netscape, Lycos and Hotbot, as well as within AOL Search.


Also note that you cannot add or update URLs on top level categories. You need to find a specific subcategory to suggest your site. Also note you cannot submit from a Search page. You must click into a particular category or subcategory to suggest or update a site.


Updating URLs:

If your site is currently listed in the AOL Directory and you wish to update it, please do the following:

1. Find the appropriate category where your site is filed within AOL Search

2. Click "Update URL"

3. Enter your site's URL

4. Use the form to modify the information


Your changes will be submitted to a volunteer editor for review.


Becoming an Editor:

You can join the tens of thousands of volunteers who maintain the Open Directory Project. The application takes a few short minutes, and your work will be visible on the AOL Search, Netscape Search, Lycos, Hotbot and other sites that use the Open Directory. Help make the Web a better, more organized place, and remember: HUMANS do it better.


I am now not found on either search due to the drastic move by an editor here. I feel every editor should be aware of how much you effect someones livelyhood with your decisions. My competitor is still in both, what a Happy Christmas she will have. My inquiries are down over 50% fromthis time last year. :(


What the people who answered your Google concerns in the other thread were trying to say was that it is incredibly unlikely that having your listing moved in the ODP would have an effect on your Google listing within 9 short hours. It just doesn't work that fast. I think you should really look into the threads that were pointed out in that thread, about the problems a lot of people have been seeing in Google in the last week or so -- you'll find you're not alone in seeing your listing drop or disappear because of something that Google has done (and you might find someone there who can help you figure out why it happened to you, where you're not likely to get that information here). The fact that your listing was moved to a different category around the same time is really just coincidental.


The quotes you posted have to do with the Google Directory and the AOL Search, both of which are based on RDF dumps of the ODP data. Neither are speedy processes and neither have anything to do with you having dropped out of (or down in) the search results you were checking.

I think that this topic has been discussed to death. It doesn't really matter to us what happens on other directories and search engines. We are only concerned with the Open Directory Project. One of your web sites has been listed appropriately. When I search on Temecula real estate in the ODP search I see your site coming up and your 4 offices are mentioned in the description. Beyond that there's nothing else we can do for you.
You are still listed in the "Google directory" under Hemet. Your "Google directory" listing hasn't changed and it won't change until "Google" downloads the RDF dump. So, whatever is going on with your sites placement on "Google" has nothing to do with the change of your sites listing in the ODP.
Correlation is not causation. The change in Google search rankings is coincidental to your site recently being moved in the ODP directory.
The editor that had sent me here, mentioned webmasterworld.com to me to visit. I want to formally apologize here for the Google correlation. I am finding others that had dropped at the same time. What timing, HUH? This is a very interesting part of having a web site. Amazing what goes on behind the vail. I had no idea the depth involved in the search engines game and/or business.
  • Editall/Catmv

Thanks! Glad you've found more resources to help you out! It is quite a strange and complex industry...



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