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Status of www.costaricagolfguide.com

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Checking on the submission of www.costaricagolfguide.com


Submitted to Regional/Central_America/Costa_Rica/Recreation_and_Sports/Golf


Title: Costa Rica Golf Guide

Description: Costa Rica golf guide, including course and resort information, and golfing tour packages.


Thank You for your time, and Pura Vida!

  • Meta
Hmmm... There is just a single submission waiting for review. Guess which one <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> My magical mirror promises that it will be dealed with the next time an editor edits in this category <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />

Curlie Meta/kMeta Editor windharp




Site: http://www.costaricagolfguide.com/

Cat: http://dmoz.org/Regional/Central_America/Costa_Rica/Recreation_and_Sports/Golf/


* * * Please supply a fully clickable link to the Site and ODP Category * * *




I cannot see the queue, but your site has not been touched by an editor. It has not been reviewed, deleted or added to the directory.



>> Title: Costa Rica Golf Guide <<

>> Description: Costa Rica golf guide ... <<


Your submitted information will be edited, so that all words that appear in the Title will NOT be repeated in the Description. [An important point for future submitters to note]. This will not affect YOUR listing, it just gives the editor a bit more work to do, but heh, that is what editors do.


I'm sorry, I didn't know!!! Honest mistake.


What if a editor never comes into check that category, in say a few weeks or so?

Your site was the only one pending review. It's now listed in the category. The description has been modified to comply with our Guidelines.

Thank You so much!!!!

Muchas Gracias, and Pura Vida one more time.

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