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Google's Web Directory VS actual ODP Directory

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While most sites I look at to compare Google Web Directory and ODP's Directory Descriptions used are the same - I have come across sites with different Descriptions at Google. Does Google further edit the Description that the ODP editor already reviewed?


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As far as I know, Google doesn't edit our descriptions. The differences you noticed might be due to the fact that Google only downloads new ODP data once every few weeks. Their directory does not reflect changes we made after their last download.
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Like any other ODP user, they have the right to modify listings.


But like nearly all other ODP users, they don't bother.


What you're seeing is more likely a new change in ODP that Google hasn't picked up yet.

Check the Google directory after Google's monthly update. The current update started over the weekend and should be stable within a day or two. Since the directory is usually the last thing to be updated, new ODP data may not be visible for a few days.

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