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  • Meta
The site is waiting for review in that category, and there is no need to resubmit. If you want to come back and ask for status again, you are welcome to do so, but please wait at least one month and re-use this same thread. Thanks :)
Curlie Meta and kMeta editor nea
  • 5 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
No change in status, I'm afraid.

I know I'm 4 days short of waiting another month but I'll be gone so here I am checking. Am I closer yet? Thanks.

  • 2 weeks later...

And, for the sake of your sleep.....


There is no concept closer or further. Submissions are sometimes, but definitely not always, reviewed by date order. Many editors review using other criteria, or review sites in a pool randomly.

  • 1 month later...

Sorry, yes, this forum has got exceedingly busy of late - thanks for bumping this thread.


There is no change in the submission - it still awaits review.



  • 6 months later...

still waiting


Well folks, it's been six months. I have noticed the group has been edited twice since then. Am I still awaiting a listing? Thanks.

  • 6 months later...

still waiting


Well, another 6 months has passed and still not cataloged. It's been a year and a half. The group has been edited 4 times or about that. I even tried 3 times to sign on as an editor to help the groups progress and two other groups for that matter. Please tell me I'm stiil there and it will be soon. Thanks.

  • Meta

(1) Still waiting.

(2) Sorry, no can do. We have no reason to suppose this site would be reviewed any sooner than any other site. There's no "line," and no "progress in line." Even if an editor were reviewing submittals by date (which is pretty unlikely), the date on the submittal (Jan 2004) is ... old, but not at all old for a Shopping category.


Think of it like a lottery. People keep getting tickets, and editors keep drawing winners. Your ticket is still waiting to be drawn. When will it be? Who can know?


All of this is true for every site ... really, even sites that haven't been submitted.

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