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Multiple Categories . . . is it allowed??

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Hi All!

Thanx for taking a look at my post.


I've tried to get a concrete answer by searching this site and the guidelines on dmoz, but I'm still not sure . . .


I have a site, www.ogills.com , which is listed in http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/Ireland/Business_and_Economy/Shopping/Irish_Gifts/ . We sell Irish Gifts, Pottery, Woodcraft, Iron craft, Glass and Crystal, Books, Jewelry, Photographs, Prints, Greeting Cards, irish and Celtic symbols and Designs. That is the current range, and shortly I will have more categories.


In the past, I have attempted with another site, to change categories, and though my site was removed from the original category, it was never placed in another. That site has since gone the way of the dinosaurs, and I want to have my new site considered to be placed in multiple categories. I do not want my current listing to be removed due to a mistake, though.


Is it possible to be listed in multiple categories? and if so, do I simply submit to each category i want to be considered for?? (I thought that would be similar to Spamming??)


If I make a change to my current listing, whether it be Title or description, is my current listing removed while it is being reviewed?


Other categories that I fit into include, but aren't limited to:










Sorry if I have been confusing, and if I have posted in the wrong area.


thanx for any help, or suggestions, or even pointing in the right direction!! ;)


Submitting to all those categories would be considered spamming the directory. Please don't do it.


I haven't looked at the site. But sites can sometimes qualify for a listing in both regional and topical. Since you're already listed in regional, you should submit a single time to the one best category in topical (i.e. shopping).


If you make an update URL request, your listing will not be unreviewed, but it will be rereviewed. Meaning that it will be re-examined for all the things we check sites for. If your listing does not fit the current guidelines it will be removed. Unless your description is flat-out wrong, or there is a grammatical error. I personally wouldn't recommend doing it.

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The guidelines say choose the ONE BEST category to submit to. That would be the category that most closely fits the large majority of your business.


If you have a walk-in store and also do interstate shipping, then we say you may submit to _A_ Shopping category (for the global shipping interest) and _A_ Regional category (for the benefit of your neighbors.)


IMO, editors should avoid moving a listed site, if they can't also list it in its new home. But it someimes happens, and (since I occasionally do it) I believe it's sometimes necessary.

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