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Please Submit After Your Site Has Real Content

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I am encountering an increasing number of submissions in the categories I edit that are placeholder sites. The pages are mostly blank and the links say things like "Coming soon!" or "Watch for this!".


I assume that people are submitting sites as soon as they get the domain set up because they think that all ODP categories are backlogged. They are reserving their place in the review queue, believing that by the time they rise to the top of the stack their site will be complete and ready for instant inclusion.


Of course the ADD URL guidelines do not want you to do this...

"Do not submit sites 'under construction'."


But, more importantly than simply following rules, the size of the review queue is unpredictable! Some categories have a huge backlog, and some categories are reviewed daily. Even in the categories with a large number of sites waiting to be reviewed, editors may pick off an interesting sounding site submitted just hours ago. If that interesting sounding site turns out have no current content, it's not going to be entered into the directory.


Up to now I have been writing the people who submitted their sites too early asking them to resubmit them when they had content. After all, ODP does want good sites to be listed. However, the frequency that I am encountering content-free new sites is leading me to simply decline to list the sites.


If you are looking to have your site included in the ODP, please read the instructions on the ADD URL page. The guidelines really do show the easiest path to getting listed.


... and now I'll climb off this comfortable soap box and return to the real world and work!



Its very helpful to submit sites that have content. 'Under construction' sites can be misleading and seeing a lot of them can make editors, hmmm...., frustrated. I've recieved quite a few recently. <img src="/images/icons/smirk.gif" alt="" />
For me: If it is 90% complete and only submitted in the last few days then I'll leave in unreviewed for a few weeks then check back (but we shouldn't have to be doing this for submitters). If it is very incomplete, and has been in the queue for many months then it will get deleted (However, I don't deal with spam-laden categories).

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