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This is ridiculous...

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Hi all. I've been visiting these forums occasionally for the past few weeks and have noticed a few posts on multiple listings. All of them end with the infamous quote "It's the exception, not the rule". Well, is it really? I'll explain why I don't think so below.


I've been trying to get a site listed...going on six months now. I've followed the rules as stated in the faq section, and I've actually managed to get in touch with the main category editor. He's been very polite, however it doesn't seem to be going anywhere.


At this point, it doesn't really make sense for me to submit a post and question the status, just to hear the generic answer of "Your site is waiting in the queue with XX other number of sites". I realize all the editors are volunteers, and don't expect an answer from any of them, so I was pleased to see one of them respond. I am still awaiting a response.


Anyway, on to my reason for posting. Since I have not heard back from the editor, I've decided to take a different approach and come here. After doing some research (about 15 minutes worth) I've noticed a few sites with a number of listings, 5 or more. Some of them may be justified, but one is obviously questionable, which makes me wonder if that person is perhaps in charge of some of these categories. I would prefer not to post any of the sites here, instead if one of the editors would be interested in looking into this further, I would be happy to mail you my research, along with the conversation I've had with the editor. I would prefer that the editor have the ability/access to look into the problem, rather than handing it over to someone else.


I realize there is no guarantee for a listing, and that's not what I'm complaining about. Actually, I'm fairly confident the site should be listed (either that or several of the sites currently listed should be removed). The purpose of this post is not to get listed immediately or have listings removed....all I'm really looking for is a fair shake here. Sorry if I've rambled on a bit, but I'm just frustrated with this whole issue. If anyone is interested, or has any comments on this matter, please post away. If you need to delete this post for not being appropriate, that's fine too. Thanks.

  • Meta



See http://www.resource-zone.com/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=abuse&Number=239 for more information. Please mail one of the Metas on that thread, rather than staff (staff are incredibly busy).


Please also bear in mind that many webmasters are to blame for 'questionable listings' - some wait for the ODP to list their sites then change them. <img src="/images/icons/mad.gif" alt="" />


Hope that helps.

Jezebel <img src="/images/icons/cool.gif" alt="" />


Hey Jezebel,


Thanks for the reply! I've actually decided to spend more time on this before making any assumptions.


"which makes me wonder if that person is perhaps in charge of some of these categories"


I can probably say that this is not true, because I've found other questionable listings which aren't related. It still might be true, but I don't really want to focus on that aspect (which may or may not be the cause, since it's only speculation on my part). I guess I'm more concerned with the fairness of the process, and the legitimacy of the listings.


"Please also bear in mind that many webmasters are to blame for 'questionable listings' - some wait for the ODP to list their sites then change them. "


I can agree with you that this may happen more times than expected, but I can't see that being the case with most of the examples I've put together, at least I think so.


I have no problem sending the information over to one of the editors that you suggested, but I was hoping that one of them would welcome the information rather than blindly sending it over to them for a couple of reasons.


- I don't want to send it to someone who doesn't have time to look into it anytime soon.

- I'm not sure which one is actually interested in doing it


I guess those are the only reasons. If you can suggest which one of the editors I should send it to, that would be great. Thanks again.


I will welcome the information you collected.

You can send them through the ODP official feedback form here


Just for general information: any meta receiving an abuse investigation request will usually either take care of it or pass it to another meta if he/she has no time to look into the issue (or is not familiar with the area involved). Note that the time needed to perform such investigations may vary, from a few days to several weeks, but we never drop them.


Ciao, ettore! What a trip, my mom was born in Torino. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />


Ok, well I really appreciate you taking the time to look this over. I'll send over what I have so far. Worst case scenario, I can at least get a second opinion on this. I'm going to step out for a few hours, but I'll see if I can get it over to you before then. Thanks again, it's much appreciated. Ce sendiamo a piu presto.



My spelling's not so good, so I might have mangled that last sentence.


This is just unbelievable. I'm almost certain that there is a corrupt editor and I can probably guess which sites they are related with. Ettore, if you happen to read this, please reply, because it seems they made changes to what you've done. It really just gets on my nerves when people take advantage like this!


BTW- Ettore was very helpful and took alot of time to look into this for me, as I've already thanked him.

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