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There are more than 100 submission waiting for review. Only idea I can offer to you:


If your site matches one of the subcategories, the editor would move it there anyway. So maybe you could speed up things by moving it there yourself, huh?



Ok, while writing this I checked on your site:

Are you sure you submitted exactly that URL to that category? I couldn't spot your site waiting there, and there are no notes that it has been processed in any way. So you maybe should resubmit, but it would be wise to check for more apropriate subcategories first...

Curlie Meta/kMeta Editor windharp




Many Thanks windharp,

Yes, I did submit the site's root URL.

Hmmm.. I'll submit again then.


Kind Regards...


I'm sorry about that. I was advised to resubmit.



Re: http://www.shwing.com/


Jazz, sometimes the ODP site seems to stall for a few seconds and so a submitter may think that they didn't push the button properly and may push it again. This leads to a duplicate submission in exactly the same way as sometimes happens in the internal editor forums or when editing a site.




There is various advice given out about resubmitting, and contacting editors, and sometimes a little misunderstanding by submitters as to what to do. I think the general advice is distilling down to:

  • [*]Find the ONE best category in the Topical (or World if site is not in English) section, and the ONE best category in Regional if there is a physical store front. [*]Submit the site just once, to each of these two areas. [*]If nothing has happened after a month or so, then either rebsubmit to the SAME category (in case the original submission was lost), or ask on Resource Zone. Do not submit to other categories, this wastes everyones time. [*]If nothing has happened after a further month, then contact the category editor (do not submit more than twice in total in any category, or start submitting to other categories, as this will be seen as spamming). [*]If no action after another month then write to the next editor up the tree and so on (do not resubmit, and do not start submitting to alternative categories). [/list:u]

Certainly the advice should never include things like "resubmit every three weeks". It should also be noted that many editors, especially in spam-prone areas of the directory do not reply to submitters email. Indeed, there is NO requirement for them to do so; instead, that is what this forum is for.


Re: http://www.shwing.com/


Hello Again,


Thanks for that. I really did not submit twice. In fact it was taking such a long time for submission to load that I had to wait more than a few seconds until it went through.


Anyhow, is it possible to find out what the status is at this time?


Best Regards...


ok.. I will do laundry, run errands, babysit, body guard, eat worms, whatever it takes to get listed on DMOZ. If editors have suggestions on a better way to get listed I'm all ears.

Our reference and games sections are prepopulated by the ODP and we give props on our About page:



Candy anyone?

<img src="/images/icons/laugh.gif" alt="" />


Re: http://www.shwing.com/


>> There are more than 100 submission waiting for review. <<


... so it will probably be at least a few weeks before an editor gets through this lot. Someone may visit and process the lot tomorrow, next week, or in several months time. Editors have no set workload or quota, so it is not possible to give a reliable estimate of the likely time-scale.


I would suggest to ask in again in this thread (no need to start a new thread, old threads with newer messages added are automatically moved to the top of the list) if there is no change in about 6 weeks (we don't treat this forum as an opportunity to 'jump the queue').


Thanks giz,


patience is my new name...

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