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Say about every 2 weeks for the last 6 weeks, I have submitted the subject URL to:






I checked the editor guideline and thought my URL is within ODP guideline. Yet no word has been given. Perhaps I am missing something. I also wrote to the editor of the second category and the oversight editor of the former (the former does not have an editor). Could you let me know what happens. I will make any change needed if the URL does not fit ODP guideline.


Thank you for the help.


Steve Hoang


One of the things you are missing is the bit in the submission notice that says "Identify the single best category for your site". Submitting to more than one category is spamming.


Another thing you are missing is in the same submission guidelines where it says "If a site you submitted has not been listed after three weeks, you may submit it again". That's 3 weeks, not 2.


Re: http://www.jsplasticconsulting.com/


The submissions have not been touched by an editor; neither reviewed, added, or deleted. Multiple submissions may give you problems. An editor will want to clear all of the duplicates leaving just ONE copy behind, but it is not unknown when dealing with a long list of duplicates to accidentally remove all copies. If one category is blatently wrong then the editor there will have to move it to the correct category, where it goes to the back of the queue. To the receiving editor these extra submissions begin to look like mass-submitted spam, and when you review a site where the last 4 or 5 editor notes simply say 'Deleted Duplicate Submission' a lot of editors will hit the delete button again, thereby frying your only chance of being listed.


Both categories have around 30 to 40 entries awaiting review, including duplicates. An editor may visit tomorrow, or in many weeks, or months time; no one has any set commitments or editing quotas. When they do visit, it is usual to review all entries, rather then just the one being enquired about (that is, we don't treat this forum as an opportunity to 'jump the queue').


Please do not submit again to any of the Topical Categories, but wait about 6 weeks then enquire again in this forum, and in this thread . [bookmark it, and don't start a new one for old enquires; new enquiries automatically move the old thread to the top of the list anyway].


Although you should submit to only the one best Topical Category, you are also allowed to have a listing in the Regional Tree. Your site clearly says >> Greenwood, IN 46142 <<, so I would also explore the Regional category structure through the: Country - State - City, or similar, heirarchy and find the ONE most relevant category to submit to. Regional listings are usually handled a lot faster, due to less submissions and more active editors for most towns and cities.



Your website very nearly validates; though this is _NOT_ a requirement to be listed. My browser chokes on the <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 3.2 Level 3.2//EN"> doctype identifier. A much newer identifier like <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> may be appropriate.

[ Validation Results ]. There are 5 very minor errors listed for the base page to correct after solving that one. Additionally I see that there is also a <!-- tag missing from the start of one of the scripts, and no Character Set is declared (ISO8859-1 is probably the most common in use), nor Content Language. You can then apply the same methods to your subpages. None of this makes any difference to your listing.


Thank you for the replies from several editors. To answer it all,


1. The 2 topical categories are what consulting firms in my specialty have applied to and were accepted into ODP. I just presume follow suit. On a more development point of view, perhaps the 2 categories should merge. Afterall, one category does not have an editor anyway.


2. Thank you for pointing out about the 3-week process. I read somewhere--be it ODP official guideline or SEO advise on search engine submittal--that ODP decision takes about 2-3 weeks, and that anything short of submitting several pages per day is deemed acceptable by search engines. Apparently you guys only need a one-time submission as seem to be indicated by Giz. So then I just wait for a while and see how it goes. Sorry. No spam intended.


As to comment on http://http://www.jsplasticconsulting.com, are you saying that the typo results in non-existing valid submission at this point. If that is the case, then I need to resubmit? I won't do so until receiving comments. Also what do you mean by "unrev"?


Steve Hoang


The typo did cause it to be difficult to match to your query, however the URL has been corrected and there is still a copy waiting to be reviewed. unrev = unreviewed. There is no need to resubmit.


A one time submission is correct, but a second will not get you labeled as a spammer. Occasionally things go wrong and the submission is not added, which is the reason for the resubmit suggestion, but this does not mean resubmit every 3 weeks until the site is listed.


This forum is actually the easiest way to find out if a site has been added to the queue, but it in no way will it help anyones site to be reviewed quicker than existing submissions in a category.


Since there is a back log of some 30-40 submissions per category, could you do me a favor and remove http://home.att.net/~svhoang/jsassociates_001.htm from the list. It was submitted in early and in mid July 02. Back then I used my free AT&T personal home page. Later on I was advised to get a domain name. The home page now has the "we have moved to ...". However, the point is cluttering when an editor goes through a long list of submissions.


Again the 2 categories are:






Thank you for your help.


Steve Hoang

  • 1 month later...

It has been about another 6 weeks and I have not heard anything regard site submission to:






If you read this entire thread, submissions and attempts were made to contact the editors without success. I know there are 2 categories involved. Yet for consulting services in my field, those are the 2 simultaneous submission categories many companies of my type have applied and been listed.


This process has begun somewhere in June or July 2002. I need your help. By now a number of search engines have listed my site on their first page. I simply want dmoz listing as an added security to keep up the high interest among search engines. Based on this, it appears to me that my site is well received technically. I honestly don't understand what is happening here. Thank you.




I can't look in the queue for you , but in answer to your question about earlier submissions - If the submission software is working correctly the latest submission overwrites the previous one, thus leaving the 'newest' one in the queue.

If the editor is one who sorts by date order it puts that submission to the bottom of the list


The suggestion to submit again after 3 weeks was in case the original submission failed, it did not mean to imply that the site should be submitted *every* three weeks.

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