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submission question

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Hi all,


I carefully read the submission guidelines, but I still have some questions...


We have a German website www.partyboerse.net.

Our website provides information for two (?) categories :

first it provides local party-dates (for south-germany), second we provide a (of course non-regional) software on our website so it would be nice to be listed in a software categorie.


In this case would a submission to two categories be ok and accepted or is it against your rules?


Next problem:

We decided to make our software international and of course made a english-speaking homepage: http://english.partyboerse.net


Would it be ok to submit this url to a international categorie (even it's 'only' a subdomain)?


I would really appreciate any help.


Greets from Germany,



Hi Matze,


I read on your English version of the site that you are a "software business that develops a software solution specially for gastronomy, parties and events." This makes it acceptable for a Software listing in the main (English-language) directory, since this is unique software most likely not available elsewhere. The same goes for the German category for Software.


Generally a site is fine to list in both Topical and Regional - party pictures or no, if your business is based in a specific city, you can qualify for listing in that city's Business_and_Economy category or one of its subcategories if it has any. Just make sure you provide an address - I could not find an address on the English version of the site. If the editor cannot somehow verify that you are indeed in the region, they will probably not list you (unless they are familiar with the region to the extent that they know of your company), especially if you've already got a topical listing. Refer to the Regional Guidelines: http://dmoz.org/regionalguidelines.html


Regarding the language-versions - please submit your main URL to the English category rather than the deeplink to the subdomain. The English version on your site is clearly marked in the top right corner and it's better if we list the main URL because then all editors can see how the site is duplicated throughout the directory in terms of languages.


[Edited to add: There is also a special forum for German speakers at this site, just follow this link: http://www.resource-zone.com/postlist.php?Cat=&Board=Deutsch ] <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />

  • Meta
Since the german part is more about parties and party-pictures I wuld suggest a category that is not yet existant but is prepared right now. I don't know when we will find the time to finish the job, but I added your site to that testarea right away, when the category is finished it will be published.

Curlie Meta/kMeta Editor windharp




hi furiosity and winharp,


thanks for your help, but I've still some questions <img src="/images/icons/confused.gif" alt="" />


first: winharp moved my site to the new dmoz testarea where the site will be published when category is finished, thanks a lot for that!

Now my question: Am I still allowed to submit the site to the appropriate German local category for our software business (would be http://dmoz.org/world/.... ) or to the fitting software categorie which I would prefer ( http://dmoz.org/... ) - our software called Beer Stock Exchange allows the user to integrate a kind of stock exchange for drinks, beer and cocktails into his party location => gastronomy, pubs, discos etc... ?


second question: furiosity says it would be better to submit the main url ( www.partyboerse.net ) rather than the actual english site ( http://english.partyboere.net ) to the appropriate categorie ( http://dmoz.org/Computers/Software/Industry-Specific/ ). I'm afraid if do so, the English editor sees my German site and removes it from his list at once without noticing the english part... don't you think so?



When checking categories I found something to improve the directory just a little bit:

on the german site http://dmoz.org/World/Deutsch/Computer/Software/Branchenl%f6sungen/Gastronomie_und_Gastgewerbe/ is a link which says 'same categorie in english'. this link leads me to http://dmoz.org/Computers/Software/Industry-Specific/Tourism . But software for gastronomy and software for tourism should be something different I think.

So I missed a categorie like http://dmoz.org/Computers/Software/Industry-Specific/ gastronomy a bit, it would perfectly fit for my software and many other software solutions (see German categorie).




Greets from Germany,



The site has already been submitted to a regional category: http://dmoz.org/World/Deutsch/Regional/Europa/Deutschland/Baden-W%fcrttemberg/Freizeit/ . I haven't touched it so far, because the site leaves too many things obscure. All I can see is that it does not fit in the category it was submitted to.


Although the parties listed and the weather information from the Friedrichshafen region seem to indicate a very narrow regional focus, the site itself makes no clear statement about which regions it adresses.

The "Impressum" (imprint) doesn't help either, for it doesn't contain the adress information it would need according to German law. Therefore it remains unclear who is the author of the site, and where you are located. Or if it's just another frontend for a company already listed.

By the way, no adress on the website, but ODP detective rl66 just found out that (if you really are Matze) one of your former classmates from http://www.abi-2001.com/ used to be an ODP editor, but timed out recently. <img src="/images/icons/ooo.gif" alt="" />

Hi Matze,


In response to your query - sadly, that does sometimes happen. However, it is contrary to the guidelines - see http://dmoz.org/guidelines/site-specific.html#multi-lingual . In the case of your site, one can clearly see the 'English' label at the top right, just like in the example provided in the Guidelines, so we should list the main URL instead of the subdomain deeplink. You can always inquire about the status of your submission to the English part of ODP in the appropriate forum here. <img src="/images/icons/laugh.gif" alt="" />

  • Meta
second question: furiosity says it would be better to submit the main url ( www.partyboerse.net ) rather than the actual english site ( http://english.partyboere.net ) to the appropriate categorie [snip] I'm afraid if do so, the English editor sees my German site and removes it from his list at once without noticing the english part... don't you think so?


One good way to help assure that won't happen is to include on the end of the description "English version included." or something like that. The editor may edit it out before adding the site, but it will call attention to it and the editor should then look for the English version, which is easy to find in this case.


hi detective rl66 <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />


sorry for leaving some things obscure when submitting my site to your catergorie but I'm still learning...so I've to include my name and adress to the impressum - did it. Should there also be a bigger note that party-dates are only for south Germany (Raum Bodensee)? The classmate who has been an editor can only be Nicolas Marshall, he's hosting our website. Are there still things we first have to correct/improve before we may get included, please let me know ?!


With the English part of the site I will submit the way furiosoty and theseeker told me, thanks for that! Do you think this categorie http://dmoz.org/Computers/Software/Industry-Specific/ would be ok (like I wrote above I can't find a subcategorie for gastronomy perhaps you may want to add such a categorie <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />) ?




Should there also be a bigger note that party-dates are only for south Germany (Raum Bodensee)?


"Raum Bodensee" is still a little vague, as we have several categories for "Bodensee" regions, including:






Which one fits best? I may move the site to one of them, but I can't promise a quick listing, as none of them has an editor.


To indicate the regions covered by your site in a more prominent place and more exactly ("Bodensee" also includes some Austrian und Swiss regions) will help not only ODP Editors, but all your regional, national and international visitors.

  • Meta

Re: submission question - gastronomy software


As for Industry-Specific Software, there may not be a gastronomy category in existence per se, but this one comes pretty close. Software categories are somewhat scattered at present, something we're looking into addressing; possibly as part of the Business reorganization (which may take some time).

Which one fits best? I may move the site to one of them, but I can't promise a quick listing, as none of them has an editor.


I checked the categories you suggested and think this one would be most appropriate. If you actually moved the site to this categorie I think it would be necessary to change it's description to something like "Partykalender für den Raum Bodensee. Eigene Termine können eingetragen werden". Please tell me if site is moved.


To indicate the regions covered by your site in a more prominent place and more exactly ("Bodensee" also includes some Austrian und Swiss regions) will help not only ODP Editors, but all your regional, national and international visitors.

Cause "Raum Bodensee" is a rural area we even have to go sometimes to Austria or Switzerland to find some good parties <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />. On the other hand you're right: it would be useful for our visitors to indicate the regions in a more prominent place - I'll fix that...Thanks for help rl66!



Thanks to mngolden for showing me the appropriate categorie, I'm pretty sure otherwise I wouldn't have noticed that categorie.



There are around half-a-dozen sites awaiting review in that category for someone that understands German (I don't). The category seems to be quite well maintained, so it should be a month or two at most before your site is reviewed.
  • 2 weeks later...

Since the category you moved my site to has no editor I wonder who's going to review it?


Has the editor one categorie higher always the right to edit 'his' subcategories so he may review subcategories with 'no editor' ?


Thanks for your help,



That's exactly right. Any editor can edit in all of the subcategories of the category he/she is listed in. In addition there are other editors that can edit anywhere in the directory, hence the name 'editall'. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />

I think there are really a lot of people who avoid to submit their site to a categorie with 'no editor' - instead they submit to a categorie that doesn't fit that good but has an editor listed.


So it might help to reduce non-fitting submissions to put a sign to categories with 'no editor' that says somethink like 'top level editor is xxx'.





The thing is, the list of editors would be huge! For example - this category does not have an editor, but can be maintained by editors of this category, this one, this one, this category, that one and Regional, but also all the people on the editall list (that are marked 'root', 'editall' or 'Catmod:Regional'). That's 35 editors without counting the editalls.


I can see what you are saying, but alas, without making things look 'strange' it's difficult to implement things. Plus the 'This category has no editor' message may encourage somebody to volunteer to edit there - if they see a long list of editors they may think 'Hmmm, obviously there are enough people already working there so they won't need me to even volunteer an hour a month to the ODP'.




I just submitted my site to this directory exactly the way you told me but it didn't work...first time I got an server error and when I tried it again it said:



Sorry, we could not determine your IP address for this submission. This may be because your browser or ISP has cached the previous page. Your submission has been redirected to the misplacd submissions folder. We apologise for the inconvenience.


Please go back in your browser and resubmit the form.



So perhaps anyone of you could check the submission status and correct what went wrong.



my data:


site: http://www.partyboerse.net

title: Beer Stock Exchange

description: Provides software for gastronomy that allows to integrate a kind of stock exchange into your party location. Offers demoversion download.

email: info@partyboerse.net



Thanks a lot for your help,


  • Meta
Don't worry about that error. The server actually picked up your submittal and dropped it in a "catch-all" category, from where it will be briefly reviewed and passed on to a "normal" category (usually the one you requested, unless that was badly chosen.)
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