3 yrs to submit and still waiting!!


Nov 14, 2006
Frustration - you don't know the word!


I totally understand your frustration but believe me there are many more stories like yours and many more frustrations.

I think most editors actually do a good job and they will probably get round to looking at your site one day. It does actually seem to be the case that many people believe their site has been rejected but I think it has simply not been looked at yet.

If you want to hear about frustration get this: My site was also suggested originally years ago....nothing. Then it was resuggested into a new more appropriate category earlier this year...nothing. The thing is, the category for my site only has 16 listings, up from 12 in the last 3 years! I have calculated there are only a possible 22 websites out there that could even be in the category.

Don't get too depondent envermehmet, your site will appear one day but nothing you can say in this forum will speed up or make the difference to your listing.

On a side note, I have found that my site performs well in google searches against dmoz listed sites so there are ways to negate not being in the directory. :)


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
The thing is, the category for my site only has 16 listings, up from 12 in the last 3 years! I have calculated there are only a possible 22 websites out there that could even be in the category.
If we already have over two thirds of the relevant sites we're serving the surfer well - so we'll take that as a compliment :).


Jan 3, 2007

I am fortunate that my site actually lists naturally on Google page 1, pos 2 for the best keyword.

I only get frustrated at the lack of communication.

I would recommend paying for a listing in the Yahoo directory, sometimes FREE is not answer.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>I would recommend paying for a listing in the Yahoo directory, sometimes FREE is not answer.

If you are looking for commercial services, then USUALLY "free" is not the answer. I personally think in this case Yahoo! may be the answer: but caveat: my profession is not web promotion.

If you're looking for low-bias metadata on websites, then "free" is probably the preferred answer. And the ODP is a likely possibility.

Which leads to some interesting social issues. If "free" is best for surfers, and "paid" is best for advertisers, then what's best for the directory combining them? Who gets the short end of the stick (or, since a stick only has two ends, who doesn't get a bit of it?)

Fortunately, we don't have to answer that question for everyone. Each person has his own choice.
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