4 years waiting and nothing


May 15, 2004
It's going on 4 years since I submitted (once only - to clarify). I want confirmation that it's time to submit again.


Jan 23, 2003
We have stated in many, many threads that a significant number of site suggestions were lost in the q4/2006 system crash, and a that no one would be penalized for an additional suggestion in 2007.

We appreciate your restraint in not spamming us, feel free to suggest your site anew.


Jan 10, 2008
Not 4 years but still waiting

spectregunner said:
We have stated in many, many threads that a significant number of site suggestions were lost in the q4/2006 system crash, and a that no one would be penalized for an additional suggestion in 2007.

We appreciate your restraint in not spamming us, feel free to suggest your site anew.

I submitted a site about 6 months ago and have resisted re-submitting as instructed but I don't know how long to wait before a re-submission wouldn't be considered spam. I can't imagine waiting 4 years!


Jan 23, 2003
malicia said:
I submitted a site about 6 months ago and have resisted re-submitting as instructed but I don't know how long to wait before a re-submission wouldn't be considered spam. I can't imagine waiting 4 years!

While certainly not the norm, before the crash there were certainly suggestions that had waited more than three years for an editor. And, given that no site is guaranteed a listing, you need to consider the possibility that your site was consider and an editorial decision was made not to list it.


Jan 11, 2008
This sounds like insanity. You are not really saying that someone should submit a site, and if they never hear back... well that's just it?


Curlie Admin
Curlie Admin
Oct 31, 2006
craigl said:
This sounds like insanity. You are not really saying that someone should submit a site, and if they never hear back... well that's just it?

That is exactly right. There is no need for a submitter to do anything more, once the suggestion has been made.


Jan 23, 2003
You are not really saying that someone should submit a site, and if they never hear back... well that's just it?

Yes. that is exactly what I am saying.

We do not do notifications, or status checks of any type. While one is welcome to suggest a given site a second time as protection against the miniscule chance that it was lost, that is about it.

All persons suggesting a site get a confirmation screen when the suggested is accepted by the system and put in the pool of unreviewed sites. That is the only communication we provide.


Jan 10, 2008
I guess I am screwed

craigl said:
This sounds like insanity. You are not really saying that someone should submit a site, and if they never hear back... well that's just it?

Wow, I guess I am screwed. I have submitted more than once.
The first time I tried to submit my site to DMOZ I did not consider the rules.
4 times I have tried, and read them over and over. I have been trying for a year and ½ now. I have studied the submission rules and know them by heart, but I know now once means one time in your life. Still no acceptations, no matter what I do DMOZ will not approve my site link.
I can not believe that this directory is going to ban me. I guess I will start my own directories so I can get my links out there on the web.
I strongly believe in customer satisfaction and companies now a days could care less about you.
Example: A person buys a domain from a person who has wrongly submitted to DMOZ.
What now. Wow this is unreal.


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
I can not believe that this directory is going to ban me.
Four site suggestions in a year and a half is not something that would get you banned. Please note that you are the first person in this thread to mention the word "ban". :) Reasons why you shouldn't suggest your site more than once are that it can often cause the review process to take longer (which is a negative thing for you) and that it can cause more, unnecessary, work for the editors (which is bad for us). It's simply a counter-productive thing to do for all people involved. But if you have a site that is listable and suggest it more than once because of a misunderstanding, it's certainly not going to stop the editor(s) from improving the category by including the site.

I strongly believe in customer satisfaction and companies now a days could care less about you.
Well, we are not a company, and the people who own or suggest sites to us are not our customers - we provide no service to them. Nor do we claim, anywhere, that we do.


Jan 12, 2008
List of suggested sites

Wouldn´t it be much easier for all of us if one could search for his site in a "suggested sites list". I am also one who is not really sure if he did the right things to get his site listed. And while trying to get listed and trying to understand those catrgories, I think I lost track of what I was doing. Threfore I really would like to have a look wich site(s) I suggested and for the categories I linked the sites to. With this option we could save much time for the editors and the ones who suggested sites.

Greetings from Southern Germany


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
We've discussed this idea many times, both here and internal forums. So far, the decision has been that our scarce development resources would be better spent smoothing the path for our editors.

Looking at things logically, knowledge of your website's status doesn't help you.

- It has been listed. You can check this for yourself by using our search for it. Look for domain.tld without any prefixes, not http://www.domain.tld.

- It is awaiting review. No further action is needed from you.

- It has been moved to a more suitable category where it is awaiting review. No further action is needed from you.

- It has been declined because it's not the sort of site that we list (you can check this for yourself by studying this). No further action is needed from you.

- We lost the listing suggestion in the great crash of 2006. If you suggested your website before 2007, by all means suggest it once more.


Jan 16, 2008
Are categories manned by more than one editor? What if an editor is sleeping on the job or has lost interest in editing. Some of the categories look as though they have been frozen in time since the dot bubble com days! :confused::confused:


Jan 16, 2008
I submitted my website on Sept. 14 2007 and I believe just one and into the most appropriate category and “acceptable” website (but I can be wrong because it was my first website). If I make search (just domain) it says: “No OPD results found”. Should I be patient or should I expect that it is over and will never happen? What is a reasonable time frame? Thank you
Jan 21, 2008
I've tried my best to submit my website, since 3 years ago. But no reply till now.
We are a global b2b website, like alibaba.com.
It is said that there are several editors are from alibaba.com, so it is very difficult for a rising b2b website, like ECVV, to be listed.
I don't know whether it is correct.
Just one requirement, Can I get the reply , no matter it is listed or not?
I'll try my best to gain what it is.


Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
It would make no difference even if there was several editors who worked for another site, the vast majority of the 200 or so editors who could edit in the category would not be associated with the same site. The other 6000+ editors could all see the edit history for the editors and category and any attempts to keep competitors out would stand out pretty clearly. Don't believe everything you read, its usually not fully accurate. ;)

ECVV-Marketing said:
I don't know whether it is correct.
Its most probably not. The most likely reason a listable site is not included is that no one has looked at it yet.
ECVV-Marketing said:
Just one requirement, Can I get the reply , no matter it is listed or not?
We thank you for your suggestion that a URL might be beneficial to us in building the directory, but no further feedback will be forthcoming as to any editing action taking place. Its not a service we offer, so no sorry there will not be an automatic response when a decision is made. You have suggested your URL, your part is done - at least as far as DMOZ is concerned. You can check whether your site is listable by looking at the Site Selection Criteria and the category description in which the site should be considered.

Hope that helps.


Jan 21, 2008
Same problem

I've had the same problem. I've submitted a legitimate and established site years ago with no reply or 'apparent' consideration for submission.

I read about the database crash/loss and resubmitted last year, with no consideration. Now I am not the type of conspiracy theorist to suggest collusion; however, I am legitimately concerned.

As I mentioned, my site is well established and it is a member of the IRC community in good standing. I find it hard to think that legitimacy and relevance would be an issue as it is more established than others on the list but I am curious as to why it was refused when it is well listed in other mainstream directories and engines.

It would be easier to understand if there were some accountability/explanation. You know?

Thanks for the feedback!


Oct 29, 2006
I am curious as to why it was refused
Do you have some reason to suppose it was reviewed and not listed?

The most likely explanation is that no one has yet reviewed the site, however it is possible that the site was declined a listing if it did not/does not meet the requirements set out in the editing guidelines http://www.dmoz.org/guidelines/ . If you can be objective, you can check that for yourself.


Jan 23, 2003
with no reply or 'apparent' consideration for submission.

It is probably worth noting that we don't do replies.

If the site is listed, the entire world knows. That is all the communication that we feel is necessary.

Harsh, maybe so. But given the number of posters who claim the editors have all either fallen asleep or died, we are not about to waste valuable editor resources by developing a feedback system that does nothing to further the goals of the directory.

We used to give status checks, but found that in the vast majority of cases the answer was the same -- no editor has reviewed the site.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.