4 years waiting and nothing


Jan 21, 2008
gimmster said:
Do you have some reason to suppose it was reviewed and not listed?

The most likely explanation is that no one has yet reviewed the site, however it is possible that the site was declined a listing if it did not/does not meet the requirements set out in the editing guidelines http://www.dmoz.org/guidelines/ . If you can be objective, you can check that for yourself.

Yeah I did review that and made sure I was in accordance with the requirements. And yes, it is possible that no editor has reviewed it, I can accept that.

Is there a set of guidelines revolving around editor activity? Just asking out of curiosity. It seems strange that years could pass without a review. I really do believe with full sincerity, that some form of feedback would reduce resubmissions and clear a lot of questions for people.


Jan 23, 2003
Is there a set of guidelines revolving around editor activity?

Yes, editors are required to log in and make one edit every four months or their login id expires.

Now, before you jump up and hurt your head on the ceiling :D this is really not a big deal. Editors do not take up slots, or quotas or space. An editor who ony does the bare minimum is not blocking or preventing another editor from editing. We'd gladly take 10,000 editors who only do one edit every four months as that wold be 30,000 edits a year that otherwise might not be done. We'd also be doing our best to get them even more involved so they would do more edits.

that some form of feedback would reduce resubmissions and clear a lot of questions for people.

We tried that, and it was a massive failure. automated feedback just aids the spammers, and human feedback just leads to arguments and name calling. We have a huge archive of posts that demonstrate that point.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
We felt there was no purpose served in leaving the archive of site suggestion status threads available.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.