6 months and counting......


Jan 23, 2003
I want the users to listen to my music, not their own...

It's 11 p.m.

The little one is finally asleep.

I hit your website.

@#$%@$^ music. Your music.

You've lost a potential customer -- forever.


Apr 15, 2003
But we aren't the customers. The last thing I want in my backyard is a pool. If my neighbours play music too loud, I think of buying a crossbow to take out the speakers at 2 in the morning.

But I think of the houses I've driven by, swimming pool to the max, garden nuked, babes lying all of the place, beer floatind down the driveway. Music so loud it thorows my car steering off. They have the money to spend. And all covered in patterned concrete :)

[Don't take us too seriously we are all crazy here]

The above statements do not reflect an official policy of dmoz.org, Netscape, Aol/Time Warner, or anyone else you can think of.

please read disclaimers below


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
Please note that the presence or absence of music on the site won't affect the review, and your reasons for having the music are your business, not ours. The editor might like your choice of music or not, s/he might hear it or not - unless it causes a browser crash or something the music shouldn't make any difference in either direction. It's also extremely unlikely that the reviewing editor will have seen this thread.

Music on a site might very well cause the review to be delayed if the editor opens the site and decides not to review it at that time, because of the music. But that's a different matter.


Mar 5, 2005
web-surfing at work....interesting point of view...

Yes, I do get alot of visitors from people "surfing at work" it never occured to me that they were sitting on the speakers!..lol

Anyhow, All the feedback is awesome and I really appreciate all of you taking the time to check out my site!...

Once again your opinion is to do away with the music.....hhhmmmmm...ok, now I'm getting confused....

I sure would be able to think more clearly if my site was listed in a certain directory....<!--hint - hint-->


Aug 2, 2002
I sure would be able to think more clearly if my site was listed in a certain directory
You are welcome to ask for an update in 6 months time. Hints don't go down especially well around here.

Music on websites - think of it this way. You want to buy a washing machine. You visit a retail park and there are two electrical stores next door to one another. One is playing loud music, one is not. If the music doesn't bother you, you visit both stores and find the machine you want. If the music bothers you, you skip the visit to one of them. Same thing happens on the Internet. If a surfer isn't bothered about your music then they might browse the site. If a surfer is bothered they will get off your site as quick as possible and find another that doesn't irritate them (or their boss). They will not give you a chance to show them your fantastic wares. Music is a very personal taste thing. If it ain't to someone's taste then you lose their fancy concrete order. Except on a site about music no-one expects to have someone else's taste in music forced down their speakers and earholes. Go one step further - you override the customer's own personal choice in music that they were listening to - how annoying is that! You want their undivided attention - something that arrogant would get mine, for about a second before I take it elsewhere. What it boils down to is pure bad manners I'm afraid.


Mar 5, 2005
Please do not include our site in DMOZ

Hello and thank you for all your helpful information, you all have been very helpful, although I disagree with your musical aesthetic values...

Please refrain from including our website http://www.concreteforever.com in your DMOZ directory.

Thank you for donating your time



Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
davvid1973]Please refrain from including our website [url]http://www.concreteforever.com[/url said:
in your DMOZ directory.
Sorry, can't do. For the same reason you can't ask us to list a site you can't ask us to not list a site. If a site is listable we will list it. If it isn't we won't.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Look, you can have music or don't have music on your site. It's your site. But you asked and people gave you their personal (not editorial) opinions. Don't get mad because you don't like the fact that people don't agree with your take on the whole music thing. As nea said, the music won't affect your review.

I have applied for a position with ODP to assist in editing this site but I was turned down due to "Fluor Daniel not being located in Houston"..(WHICH THEY ARE) and I also recommended Baker Concrete and this person that denied my voluntary editing position said that they also were not in Houston??? (Which they are) Both Businesses together occupy over 168,000 sq ft of office space in Houston and maintain their websites from Houston...Why would I bring that up?...because if your going to be an editor at least do your home work before you make absurd statements and deny willing and qualified people to assist in editing a catagory that is in obvious need of a quality collection of useful websites...
Way to insult the editors who review applications. :mad: As for your suggestions, according to their sites, Baker Concrete is HQed in Ohio and Fluor is HQed in California. While they may both have offices in Houston, neither one would be listable in the Houston category. So it appears the meta who reviewed your application was indeed correct.
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