9 years.. No response from anyone....


Sep 27, 2009
im very curious as to why its been 9 years and they still havent changed the desciption of my website...i have written many times to the "editors" of that category with no response...

i do not re-submit my site, ever.. i understand the overwriting each time you submit.. but a simple request to change the description of my site would be nice.. especially since i stopped selling those items 9 years ago... my site is completely different now...

9 years.. 9.... do you see where my frustration lies?

I understand editors volunteer their time to do the directory.. and i also read that senior editors can help with other categories as well..

but nobody.. not one person.. in 9.. yes 9 years has listened to my request so i completely understand the frustrations of people asking questions in this forum...

My site has to do with event planning and i work with every TV station, Movie Production company, major dept stores across the country and so many others... but the dmoz has me listed as selling witchcraft items and gothic clothing.. which i did at the beginning but i havent in 9 .. yes 9 years...and i would so appreciate someone either taking my listing off of here or changing the description to match my site...

Is that really truly too much to ask for...


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
As you've been told in other threads, most pending requests were lost in late 2006, so your 9 year claim isn't particularly helpful. I guess you were trying to make some sort of point. Why ever did you wait for so long to complain?

There are currently very few pending listing update requests because most editors give them priority - and some 200 can edit anywhere so no category is neglected in this regard.

I can only conclude that you must have been requesting updates that didn't comply with our editor guidelines. They would have been declined as a matter of course.

Be aware that editors are discouraged from responding to messages from website owners because such conversations end badly all too often - up to including threats of violence and physical stalking. They can of course act on such messages if they are sensible.


Sep 27, 2009

I have written twice a year .. and yes after your 2006 crash even.. to the editors... and i explained that in my other posts that you obviously read...

I'm not complaining so much as wondering why... why its taking so long to get a response?

You shouldnt assume every post is a complaint... and I was just being patient.. I'm a patient person :)

It always seems that you are looking for an argument and all im looking for is an answer...

I have read the guidelines.. i have read the many posts here... i have tried to comply with everything that is required of someone here to get something done and i just cant seem to do so...

I didnt just come in here without some kind of knowledge about how this site is run.. i do know how to do research... and i do try to fix problems on my own.. but i have no control over this... i was just looking for a simple, effective, helpful answer.. tis all...

I'm not looking to promote my site.. i get enough business... i just want to be put into the proper category with a description that even remotely, comes to close to what my website is about...


Sep 27, 2009
response to your edit..

stalking? physical violence?

what in the world does this have to do with my post?

i am never angry in my messages to any editor.. ever... so this is a moot point and i hope it wasnt directed towards me and that you were just making a statement in general...

have a nice day Jim and thank you for at least responding... even if i didnt like your answers..


Apr 5, 2004
I have written twice a year .. and yes after your 2006 crash even.. to the editors
But did you use the Update Request feature?

That is the correct way to request changes, rather than by sending direct emails to editors who may not even be active. If you have not used that process, you can read more about it in the FAQ linked at the top of each page here. Specifically: "I need to change the URL/title/description/category of a listing. How can I do this?"

If you have used that process, then jimnoble has already explained why your requested changes may not have been applied.


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
stalking? physical violence?

what in the world does this have to do with my post?

You said that you had been sending email to individual editors. jimnoble explained why editors are discouraged from replying to email from webmasters. Nobody thinks that you would resort to stalking or violence, and the same is true for most of the other people who write. But the very small number of people who do stalk and threaten editors destroy the communication channels for everybody else.


Sep 27, 2009

yes i did use the update request form... but again.. nothing happens...(thank you for your pleasant response and the link though... )

so.. i will be patient for another 9 years and jim wont have to listen to me complain again til 2018.. lol :))

good night...


Apr 5, 2004
nothing happens.
As jimnoble explained, repeated Update Requests will keep being declined unless/until they meet the editing guidelines.
If/when they do, the changes will likely be made within a few weeks, but it is completely pointless to continue requesting inappropriate changes.


Sep 27, 2009
I need help finding myself..


So I decided to try to do an update to my listing one more time..

I find myself in the directory.. it shows the specific category i am listed in..... it has a link to my website.. and the inaccurate description...

I click the link for that category

I'm not listed there... hmmm...

I am only listed in one category... but my site isnt there.. so now i'm not sure how i will ever be able to fix the inaccurate description of my site...

Google is showing my description as the one that this site is using... the open directory specifically shows where my site is categorically listed.. yet.. i'm not there... so i cant request for an update now...

can someone help me find myself..


Apr 5, 2004
As explained in other recent threads, the ODP Search function often lags behind the actual directory by days to weeks, and Google (which is a completely different organisation) may be many months out of date regarding an ODP listing.

If the actual category no longer contains your site, then it has been moved for one of several reasons detailed in other threads here - sites can be removed from view by automated processes as well as volunteer editors.

But if you already know the exact category, there is nothing to stop you using the Update Request link in any case.


Sep 27, 2009

It wont let me use the update request link because it says

I am not located in that category.

But it's the category this site has me listed under...

I can clearly see my site in the directory.. i can clearly see the category.. i can clearly see the inaccurate description... until i click the actual category it says i'm in and then.. poofie... it isnt there.

I click update request anyway... and it says.. i'm not listed in that category.

This is the message I receive (i have removed the name of my site)

URL not found

The site *censored by me* is not listed in this category.

Please go back in your browser if you need to resubmit the form.

Am i not saying this correctly.. am i lacking in my grammar or descriptive details....


Apr 5, 2004
I can clearly see my site in the directory.. i can clearly see the category.. i can clearly see the inaccurate description... until i click the actual category it says i'm in and then.. poofie... it isnt there.
You seem to be confusing two different things.
Do you mean you can see the result in ODP Search but not in the actual directory? If so, then please see my post about this having a lag time of several days to a week (depending on AOL).

If you can go to the actual category and can see your site listed, then it is, well, listed.
But if you cannot see it listed there, then please see my post about it being moved.
If it has been moved to another category, it will show up in ODP Search in a day or two or three (depending on AOL) and you can then decide if you want to submit an Update Request.

In either case, I suggest waiting a few days, and simply getting on with other things. :)


Sep 27, 2009
other things


1.. oops.

2..i can see it in search..

3.. its not in the directory

4.. are you telling me after 9 years..that its finally being moved to the right category in the next few days with an accurate description maybe? and if after a week i still cant find it in the directory.. can i come back here and pout again?

5.. i am doing other things.. i'm adding new stuff to my website and updating my weird blog and eating a chocolate chip cookie.. :)


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
> that its finally being moved to the right category in the next few days with an

> accurate description maybe?

This is not something you can assume.

The only thing you know is that the site is not longer listed in the category it was listed in.

as makrhod already wrote "If the actual category no longer contains your site, then it has been moved for one of several reasons detailed in other threads here - sites can be removed from view by automated processes as well as volunteer editors."

> and if after a week i still cant find it in the directory.. can i come back here

> and pout again?

No, please do not.

The site is either waiting a new review in another category, is waiting a new review in the original category or is removed from the directory.

No need to ask us about the status as we can (and will) not tell you because of R-Z policy.


Sep 27, 2009

I have never asked for a status update, I wasn't planning on ever asking about a status update.. nor should you assume that I would...


Sep 27, 2009
Thank YOU!!!!!!!!!

a HUGE thank you to the person who reviewed my site and not only placed me in the correct category BUT revised the description to actually match what I sell!

I now believe in miracles again.

(thank you sincerely.. its nice to know someone was listening...)


Apr 5, 2004
its nice to know someone was listening
I'm glad you are happy, but it is not a miracle at all. Editors move hundreds of sites and rewrite hundreds of descriptions every day.
Also, please note that only a very few editors visit this forum, and those that do come here know not act on posted requests (except in the QC thread), for very obvious reasons.
It is infinitely more likely that a volunteer reviewed your latest Update Request as part of a recent directory-wide group project which has attended to all the outstanding Update Requests in English-language categories.


Sep 27, 2009

well.. i didn't say "listening in here".. i just meant listening in general.. somewhere.. out there .... in this universe...


Dec 10, 2009
Reminder to self...

Don't get involved with this bizarre crowd.

Why on earth does anyone take this insane setup seriously? I was told that it's REALLY important to get yourself listed on this DMOZ thing if you are a serious business. So I check it out, see that some of my johnny come lately fly by nighter competitors are listed...hmmm. So read the stuff, fill it all in double check, submit. Wait, wait, check...oh look they guy who launched his business a few weeks ago is on dmoz, good for him he must be legit because his listed here (I'm clearly not because I'm not listed even though I've only been doing this for 16 years).

Seems to me the best way to keep your competition out of here is to just submit their site to heaps of categories... regularly. Maybe that's what the fly by nighter's are doing to me... Integrity, my arse. What a joke.

The Old Sarge

Feb 3, 2006
Idaho, USA
cloakeddagger said:
Seems to me the best way to keep your competition out of here is to just submit their site to heaps of categories... regularly. Maybe that's what the fly by nighter's are doing to me...

That's doubtful. Editors can see where the submissions came from.

cloakeddagger said:
Integrity, my arse. What a joke.

You know what they say about opinions ...
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