9 years.. No response from anyone....


Curlie Admin
RZ Admin
Sep 15, 2004
Reminder to self...
Perhaps you shouldn't have posted it in a public forum then...

It's probably not very important to be listed in the Odp, but we appreciate the fact we are thought to be important, even if it's a minority pov.

Reasons not to get your site listed are various, they mainly stem from:
  • No editor has got round to reviewing that category/suggestion yet - this is the most frequent reason for a site not being listed.
  • The suggestion was sorted to another category for review.
  • The site concerned was not listable per our guidelines.
  • The suggestion was lost (this happened on one occasion, two years ago - if the suggestion was concerned by this, re-suggesting once since would have fixed it).
  • An editor made a mistake - this happens, although rarely - we are human.
  • The site was suggested with such frequency it appeared to be spam - this happens less often than you might think.
  • A deliberate act - rare, but we take these very seriously and have an abuse reporting system in place, with a link in every category. All reports are investigated and appropriate action is taken when warranted.
For the "Integrity" bit, I'm usually pleasantly surprised that as a whole we keep a good standard of ethics despite the varied backgrounds of all the people involved. (but then I would say that wouldn't I - I'm one of them! :D )
If you feel able to work honestly and impartially, why not take off the cloak, put away the dagger and try it?


Apr 17, 2006
I tried to get listed about 5 years ago with multiple attempts. The system was a joke then and I assume it is a joke now. I never received any sort of a response. After research I realized that you had to essentially "bribe" someone to get listed. I decided that it wasn't worth my time and quit trying after a year of attempts.


Curlie Admin
Nov 13, 2003
BoiseComputer said:
I never received any sort of a response.
That's perfectly normal. You are presented with a confirmation screen when you suggest your site, and this confirms that your suggestion has been received. Once that's happened you've done all you need to do to make the volunteer editors working on the directory aware of your site. I'm sorry your site hasn't been included yet, but as I'm sure you can imagine, we get a lot of site suggestions from the public, and only have a finiate quantity of volunteer editor time to work through them. Have you thought about volunteering to become an editor, so you could be part of the solution, rather than part of the problem?

The editors are there to build and maintain the directory, not to offer a site listing service, so any further communication with the suggester would advance the aims of the directory. When a volunteer editor gets to your particular site it will be evaluated according to our site selection criteria. Since this is a public document, you should be able to make a pretty good stab at working out what the outcome of such a review will be for your own site. If it's listable it will be listed. If not, then reviewing the suggestion was a waste of that volunteer's time. The number of sites that are unlistable but could be made so without fundamentally altering the focus / purpose / business model of the site, is negligible, so communication with the site owner wouldn't be beneficial to either party.

After research I realized that you had to essentially "bribe" someone to get listed.
I would strongly advise against this approach. We have a zero tolerance policy towards site owners and editors found to be offering or accepting bribes to expedite reviews or listings.


Jun 7, 2009
On the Beaches of Super Sunny Southern California
I'm having serous difficulty following this thread, w/all of the double posts by "mystic" and "Makrhod".

This is odd.

Regardless, I understand the frustration of the OP and vagaries of following a process which at times may appear to move at a snails pace.

There have been many innovations during the last few years, and a few changes too, but what I offer in response to the "bribe" comment is a comparison with the former significance of Yahoo in SEO or just being included in a directory service or even being spidered and indexed by a bot.

It wasn't called bribes, but you actually could, at one time, wait up to about a year to be included in Yahoo, or "Pay" them, to be included in about a week.

DMOZ, not having an actual payroll, doesn't provide for a "Paid inclusion" in the directory, and although being included may not be the simplest process for everyone to logically follow, an appreciation that this is an all-volunteer-effort should serve to offer that slamming the "All VOLUNTEER" effort that is serving the community isn't really all that conducive to having one's problems solved.

That's not a statement on how DMOZ operates at all either, it is a fact of life whether you're waiting in line at a bank or a grocery store, or holding for tech support with your less than optimal cell phone provider.

Anything you do in life is a bit more pleasant for all involved when you provide a modicum of decorum, having read the instructions first. If that doesn't work, then in a volunteer situation, joining the effort to assist in alleviating the anguish of others might provide the change in momentum you seek.

The Old Sarge

Feb 3, 2006
Idaho, USA
One thing everyone needs to keep in mind, especially site owners and submitters, is that DMOZ is not a listing service and never has been. It's purpose is to maintain a directory of sites for Internet users, not website owners. If you're looking for a directory service that caters to site owners, you're in the wrong place.


May 11, 2007
"I tried to get listed about 5 years ago with multiple attempts."

Depending on how frequently you submitted your site, it's also possible it got tagged as someone spamming the system.


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
I'm having serous difficulty following this thread, w/all of the double posts by "mystic" and "Makrhod".

This is odd.

When the forum software was changed a few days ago, something happened to some of the threads that were migrated over, and the contents of some posts were duplicated or mixed up. I've fixed the posts in this thread to make it possible to follow again.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.