- waiting 9 months

Re: Editor tries to claim $1000 reward

All I can say is that after visiting the site I am unable to tell it apart from any standard, normal e-shop out there. While I find the replies from the site owner to be on the lengthy side - I can see why he is frustrated.

Now, for a bit of fun, let's throw some wood to the flame:
If original content is required, how come ODP lists 297 sites in this category:

It seems to me that - almost by definition - they do NOT have original content <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />

Just a thought.... <img src="/images/icons/cool.gif" alt="" />


Jul 19, 2002
Re: Editor tries to claim $1000 reward

Now, for a bit of fun, let's throw some wood to the flame:
If original content is required, how come ODP lists 297 sites in this category:

That piece of wood was too wet to do anything except let off a lot of smokey hot air. <img src="/images/icons/grin.gif" alt="" />

You could have at least found a category that sold something to fuel the fire with. The original issue was about unique content regarding affiliate/MLM/partners/distributor sites selling the same products.

All I can say is that after visiting the site I am unable to tell it apart from any standard, normal e-shop out there.

In my opinion it looks like the standard hype site, the kind I stay as far away from as possible. And it looks nothing like a standard e-shop unless you think hype is a standard one strives towards.

Just for clarity, I'm not an ODP editor and I'm not putting the owner of this site down. I'm sure he has worked very hard on his site but it looks like he has taken some of the Internet marketing gurus bad advice when he designed his site. It looks like a MLM/affiliate/distributor site. Most of the products come from one company and that company sells their products on their own site for the same amount of money. Well, not exactly the same, they round out the amount. Instead of $24.95 they sell it for $25.00. Not enough of a difference to make it different.

The real problem with sites like this one is that the content is the product. All the text on this site and sites like it are centered around the product, which leaves little to no room for unique content.

There are many other things this owner could do to optimize his site other than getting frustrated over an ODP listing, or getting his site listed in any directory for that matter. His site could do just as well without an ODP listing.

Of course, this is just my opinion and you know what they say about opinions ...

Re: Assuming no response = admitting the truth

Since no editors have replied to my past post, I am assuming they are finally realizing that my site is not MLM or an Affiliate site. Let this be a lesson, so that other sites don't get wrongly accused like me.

In response to the last post. I buy my products from 5 different manufacuturers. Yes you are right several of my products are from Nuetrecuetics. The reason for this is I believe they are the most researched supplements on the market. As far as hype, yes there is some, but if you look at the actually explanations of the products, you will find they are much more in depth than you will find on the standard site. If lenghty explanations = hype so be it.

$1000 reward still stands. If you still think my site is MLM or an Affiliate site, prove it, and claim the money.

Would any ODP editor at least be brave enough to admit publically that you were wrong in accusing my site of being MLM, and of accusing my site of being an Affiliate site.

Thank you for further looking into this matter.

Doug Gordon


Mar 26, 2002
Re: Assuming no response = admitting the truth

Editor hat is removed

Todd, Doug, or Judd (whatever your real name is)

You are correct it would be very hard for anyone to prove anything since your whois data is false and there isn't any sort of contact information on your site (not even on your privacy policy). Whois lists one name, telephone number from whois lists another, and yet you are going by another name on this site. I don't think this site should be listed for these reasons alone (false information, no contact info). How would this site benefit a user or add value to the ODP ? There is no way for anyone to contact you on your site that I have found - scary. The ODP reserves the right not to include any site at its discretion and this may be one of the few times I agree with that 100%. I would never give my Credit Card info to a company like this.

My 2-cents

edited: I just noticed the title of this message Assuming no response = admitting the truth it's very ironic you would title as such.

Why this site won't be listed

There's no clear evidence that this site is a MLM affiliate, if you are looking for a smoking gun, simply because there's no possibility to check what it's declared on the pages of the site. Your 1.000 $ reward will therefore probably remain unclaimed, but looking at the site there are different issues aside from the MLM thing, as other editors clearly said.

a) there's no contact info, not even on the privacy policy) - really scary for a site selling online. This alone, would be a reason to wonder whether this site adds value to our directory.

b) Whois on your domain lists one name,address, and phone no. claiming that you're in Brisbane, CA , while the phone number corresponds to another person in San Francisco, CA. This doesn't allow us to check anything about the site, as well as putting any user visiting the site in the same position.

c) you have copied content from other sites, thus your claim that your site "is totaly unique and offers a different product offering and content from any other site" is untrue. Fact is that you do not offer unique content, as evidenced in the following quick search in Google:
Randomly taken from your page
Pro Hgh is the original secretagogue formula, recommended by doctors and leading anti-aging therapists: 27 results
cancer patients should not take amino acid based secretagogues such as Pro Hgh : 133 results
Randomly taken from your page
GHR 15 is destined to become one of the most significant medical discoveries of our time : 29 results
Take Ghr15 at bedtime, 3 to 4 hours after the evening meal on an empty stomach: 16 results
During the 5 days on Ghr15 it For optimal effectiveness take for 3 months, skip 3 weeks and then repeat cycle: 16 results
Taken from your page
"There is no such thing as high potency non-prescription Hgh": 4 results
Taken from
IGF 1 elicits most of the effects associated with hgh and is measured in the blood to determine the level of growth hormone secretion: 46 results
these cutting edge natural secretagogues may have the ability to more closely mimic the body's youthful hgh secretion : 94 results

For all the reasons in a, b, and c combined, and apart from the MLM/notMLM issue, this site cannot and will not be listed.

Please notice that 3 metas (myself included), 2 editalls, and 4 regular editors have already expressed their opinion in this thread. While we are all human beings and won't pretend to hold The Final Truth in our hands, it's enough for an answer to your questions about the possibility to see your site listed in ODP.


Mar 1, 2002
Re: Why this site won't be listed

I think ettore has pretty much closed the issue as far as this site is concerned. Thread Locked.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.