Amount of time

Jun 13, 2004
I submitted my site a long time ago based on a suggestion that it was a good move.

My site has not been included yet so I went to the "status check" board and asked about it. The problem is that is was over a year ago and I can't remember which category I submitted to. Again, at the time, I didn't understand the whole process.

Now that I understand much better how this works I wonder if I should just re-submit. I have made MAJOR improvements and added a shopping cart.

I don't want to be annoying to the clearly over-worked editors, but I would very much like to be listed if possible.

Also, I submitted another site a few months ago, saw a visit from ODP on my stats and that site wasn't included after that visit. Does that mean I'm dead in the water there, too? I have also recently made MAJOR improvements and added a shopping cart to that site.

Any suggestions would be appreciated and if I have posted this in the wrong area I apologize.



Jan 23, 2003
eclecticelement: Please return to your original thread, located here, and ask your questin there, rather than hijacking this thread.

Thank you. This helps us keep all inquries on a given URL in the same place and makes it much easier to give you the best advice possible.
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