Category for Shopping site help.


Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
(Ok, Ok, I meant thehelper. Am not drunk or anything, just read to many posts I guess - lol)

Quoting myself: "... why someone might have been thinking ...".

I thought I made clear that I meant that I was speaking about former times, when the site was not what it is now. Just trying to find an explanation for a possible misrejection. I cant judge since when the site is in its present state - Can you?

English is not my native language so I just looked up some grammatical sites which told me I was right /images/icons/smile.gif Maybe it would have been better to write "why someone maybe had been thinking" but to me that sounds wrong /images/icons/smile.gif


Curlie Meta
Mar 26, 2002
>>>@theseeker: <<<

Um. thehelper != theseeker
But you're forgiven. Now run off and post in the "editors I confuse" thread. /images/icons/wink.gif

Glad to see you all can have some fun! Your whole organization gives the impression of a bunch of stuffy people. After reading this forum and other ones here it is easy to tell some of you have some fun in you.
Now back to my quest for a listing with your fine organization. I am not a "under construction site" that lasted about three or four days back in November of 2001. I am not an affiliate site, that was never the case. I am a bonified business shopping site. Please oh Please let me in. I don't beg to often so take me up on it while its available /images/icons/smile.gif
Thank you all for the education and help. I have actually enjoyed it. See y'all later.


Mar 1, 2002
I am not a "under construction site" that lasted about three or four days back in November of 2001. I am not an affiliate site, that was never the case.

No of course you're not. However the "Under Construction" page with affiliate links, you had on your site back in the day - no matter how briefly - could be the reason why someone might have thought your site had affiliate links. The point was really tangential to your question. /images/icons/smile.gif
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