Different Category


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
The email address is in case we have questions. If the reviewing doesn't have questions, they have no need to contact you. Note: It's entirely possible that no one has actually reviewed your update request yet.

BTW I've merged your threads together. Please don't start new threads on the same topic. Thanks.


Jul 16, 2004
North Carolina
Perhaps you do not understand the main purpose of the project here.

Dmoz editors are NOT obligated to list every single site that is submitted. When you submit a site, you are simply submitting a suggestion. That is it. An editor looks through the unreviewed list to find quality sites that people have felt would be good for the directory.

So in short, when you suggest a site, you should simply forget about it afterwards. We are not obligated to contact the submitters to tell them why the site was not added. We are not obligated to list sites in categories YOU think are appropriate. Our job is to determine where the site belongs. If the site belongs somewhere else, then we will relocate it to where we feel it best fits.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
He's not talking about a site suggestion, he's talking about an update request.


Jan 23, 2009
That's fine. But if you are going to add a site please don't hurt our website by sticking us in the wrong category and not let us be able to update it. Is there someone in particular can just do me a quick favor.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
What you call "quick favors for webmasters" we call "abuse of editing privileges, treachery to the editor community, and direct attacks on the integrity of the directory."

The Directory is for surfers. If a website is really in the wrong category, moving it is a favor for surfers--but there are many other favors that could be done for surfers.

Every suggestion will be considered...based on its value for surfers, and only on its value for surfers.

That's why favoritism to webmasters is taken so seriously, and treated so negatively.


Jan 23, 2009
Okay that's fine. Then the surfers should have the correct information. If our site is not in the right category and do not have the correct description then the surfers are being shorted. Sorry for being so blunt but this has been part of my job to get this accomplished and for every week that goes by and this is not accomplished, doesn't make me shine. Management can't understand why it's so hard to get this accomplished.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
I understand, but pardon me for also being blunt -- it's really up to you to make your bosses understand that your listing in the ODP is not in your or their control. All you can do is submit the update request. Everything happens at an unknown and unknowable speed and timeline. And even then it's possible that the editors reviewing your request, whenever that is, may not agree with your suggestion.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
..and for every week that goes by and this is not accomplished, doesn't make me shine. Management can't understand why it's so hard to get this accomplished.

We have no mechanism or desire for outsiders to 'get something accomplished' here - and certainly not in any defined time scale. I'd have thought you'd already have heard that message.

If your career is hanging on the actions or inactions of a bunch of largely anonymous volunteers, it might be time to seek a new one. Herding cats maybe :)?


Jan 23, 2009
Ok, can you just answer me one more question? How does dmoz officially work in the internet world? Does google, yahoo or any other search engines take their information from dmoz? If so, how does being in a different with an inaccurate description affect us?


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Blunt is always good, no need to apologize. Obtuse is always bad, no way to apologize.

DMOZ works however users want it to work. That's what the "Open" means: anyone is free to create new uses for it.

The search engines place whatever value/weight on the ODP they wish; and can change that weight whenever they wish (and apparently they have changed over the years!) Google Directory obviously comes directly (if not immediately) from the Open Directory.

The editors don't pay much attention to this: our attitude is the exact opposite of the SEO professional: "build character, and let reputation follow as it will." How, and how closely, reputation follows character, would not be major concerns even if they were knowable, which they usually aren't.

Most search engines that use ODP descriptions honor the NOODP meta-tag (Google for this!), so you're in control of that aspect of ODP use.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Google does use our data for various things. So do some other sites. If you want to know how your ODP listing affects you in those, you'd have to either ask them or ask at a webmaster or promotion forum as we don't deal with SEO issues or anything other than the ODP here.


Jul 16, 2004
North Carolina
compreso said:
Ok, can you just answer me one more question? How does dmoz officially work in the internet world? Does google, yahoo or any other search engines take their information from dmoz? If so, how does being in a different with an inaccurate description affect us?

If any other search engines are using information provided by dmoz.org, those search engines are using the information as-is in most cases. They are most likely using our information because they feel our efforts are a great idea and they support the project. We are not a search engine though so if you have more specific questions to ask about how a search engine uses our data, you would be better off asking that specific search engine.

The main purpose of this directory is to provide useful information to it's viewers and to make surfing the web easier. The directory is run by volunteers so it cannot gaurantee that new submissions and update requests are taken care of in a certain time frame. You knew this when suggesting the site and you knew this when making an update request. The reviewing editor uses his or her own judgement when reviewing sites and tries to make the best decision at the time. Seeing that the directory is edited by humans and humans do make mistakes from time to time then yes, it could be possible your site is in the wrong area.

Since you were fortunate enough to notice this, you have kindly submitted an update request. Now it will be up to the reviewing editor to see if your update request makes sense or not. You have done all that you could. You have submitted your update request and that is all that can be done up to this point. The rest of the process is left in the hands of the reviewing editors and we thank you for taking the time to suggest the site to begin with.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
They are most likely using our information because they feel our efforts are a great idea and they support the project.

That is well said, and worth repeating with emphasis.

It's just perverse to argue that the ODP should change precisely BECAUSE it is influential.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.